PingAPI gives developers more control over how they reply to ping requests. Simply put it provides an improvement to Bukkit's ServerListPingEvent. The Javadocs can be found here.

It has been a few years since I have worked on this project, but I decided to update it for newer versions of CraftBukkit and keep backwards compatibility. I will try to keep it maintained and up to date from now on. The most important change to note is that creating animations is no longer possible for servers running newer versions of CraftBukkit.


  • Modify the online player count and the max players
  • Change the player sample (list of players shown when hovering over the player count)
  • Fake the protocol name and version to display text instead of the player count
  • Create server list animations (1.8 or earlier)


Make sure to add 'depend: [PingAPI]' to your plugin.yml file
Check out the source on GitHub