GameModeChanger for MultiWorld-Server


GameModeChanger for MultiWorld-Server v1.3

GameModeChanger manages your player’s gamemode for each world.

If a player switches to another world on the server, GameModeChanger checks in config-file if players should play in creative, survival or adventure mode in this world!


  • change the gamemode of each player separately by command
  • assign each world one gamemode
  • edit plugin messages in config-file
  • ADVENTURE-mode support
  • create a “GameMode-whitelist” which contains all players whose gamemode should not be changed although they changes world
  • permissions support
  • grant access to creative mode command by permission node
  • manage worldmodes by command
  • set/unset pvp in each world (NEW)


/gmdreturns help
/gmd 0/1/2changes your own gamemode
/gmd worldmodereturns the actual gamemode of this world
/gmd worldmode 0/1/2changes the worlds gamemode and applies changes to every actual player in this world (except for whitelisted players)
/gmd set <player> 0/1/2set the gamemode of a player manually
/gmd wl <player>puts or removes a player from GameMode-whitelist
/gmd getwlreturns all players listed on gmd-whitelist (NEW)
/gmd pvpenables/disables pvp in actual world (NEW)


Use those permission nodes to give some players special access to some commands:

gmd.creativegives a player full access to all gamemodes for himself
gmd.admingives a player full access to all GameModeChanger commands (only for server-moderators and/or admins)


Configuration is really simple. Just open config-file write your worlds in the right list and reload your plugins. The whitelist and the worlds gamemode can also be edited ingame. Messages must be edited in the file. Here is a preview for configuration:

## GameModeChanger Config-File
## DO NOT USE TAB! Otherwise your plugin will not work!
  - world_nether
  - world
  - world_the_end  
  - JohnLocke94
  - FightingFox
  - bs1701
  - harryak
  - blacksnowman007
  - Hawkeye94
  unknown: Unknown command!
  doesnotexist: This player is not online or does not exist!
  changetosurvival: Your GameMode has been changed to SURVIVAL.
  changetocreative: Your GameMode has been changed to CREATIVE.
  changetoadventure: Your GameMode has been changed to ADVENTURE.
  worldmodesurvival: GameMode of this world has been changed to SURVIVAL!
  worldmodecreative: GameMode of this world has been changed to CREATIVE!
  worldmodeadventure: GameMode of this world has been changed to ADVENTURE!
  noperms: You have no permissions to do this!


If the plugin does not start and create its folder with config-file, check if you have installed JRE7.

JRE 6 users have to download this version instead of the main-version: