


I have noticed a lot of people want to make pixel art and spend a lot of time doing it. Personally I don't like using all my time to do something when the computer can just do it for me. Call me lazy if you wish. So I wrote this very simple plugin that can load a max sized 200 x 200 pixel bitmap image and convert it into blocks within minecraft.

Either local files or online files can be used.


p list <directory> List all the .bmp files in a directory.

p art <file path> <direction> <omit color>

<file path> can be a local file like C:/myimage.bmp or an online image like http://www.image.com/image.bmp

<direction> is either "h" for horizontal or "v" for vertical. Positioning is based on the players current location.

<omit color> This is optional but makes it possible for you to have pixel art that is not the shape of the image file. Say you want to make pixel art of an apple. Color the background behind the apple pink and set the <omit color> to pink and anything that is pink will not be drawn into the pixel art.

Colors black, white, silver, gray, red, orange, yellow, lime, green, lightblue, cyan, blue, purple, magenta, pink, brown

Colors are compared to the closest minecraft wool color. Sometimes colors will not look right and this works best with more simple colors. Images only load one direction.





Source Code



Minecraft horse audi tt girl