What is Stacker?
Stacker is a plugin that makes you enable to stack other player on you! You just have to rightclick a player to set him as your passanger. You can throw you passanger away when you don't want him any more or he leaves from alone. This plugin is configurable, has a lots of permissions and is good to have some fun.
- /stacker help Shows the help for stacker
- /stacker on Enable stackmode (you can stack and get stacked)
- /stacker on <player> Enable stackmode for an other player
- /stacker off Disables stackmode
- /stacker off <player> Disable stackmode for an other player
- /stacker list Lists the player who are in stackmode
- /stacker about Shows some infos about the plugin
- stacker.stack Makes able to stack a player
- stacker.throw Makes able to throw a passanger
- stacker.turnon Gives access to /stack on
- stacker.turnonother Gives access to /stack on <player>
- stacker.turnoff Gives access to /stacker off
- stacker.turnofftother Gives access to /stack off <player>
- Gives access to /stacker help
- stacker.list Gives access to /stacker list
- stacker.notstackable Player is not stackable by a player
- stacker.notthrowable Player is nit throwable for a player
- defaultOn: boolean Should stackmode be enabled for a player on join?
- showMessages: boolean Should messages should be shown when a player is not stackable or somthing like that?
- disableOnWorlds: In this worlds stacker will be disabled!
- throwStrength: integer Sets the throwstrength/width (leftclick with a passenger) Note: Set it to -1 to teleport the passanger to the stacker on throw Set it to 0 to just eject the passanger