The plugin will also expand commands, and other things.
command | description | permission |
--- | Access to all commands | PlayerCMD.* |
ban <player> [reason] | Ban player | PlayerCMD.ban |
unban <player> | Unban player | PlayerCMD.unban |
kick <player> | Kick player | PlayerCMD.kick |
time | View time | PlayerCMD.time |
time <set/day/night/tick> | Set time | PlayerCMD.time.set |
weather <sun/rain> [world] | Set weather | |
tp <player> | Teleport to player | |
tp <player> | Teleport to player without request | |
tpaccept | Accept teleport request | PlayerCMD.tpaccept |
tpdeny | Reject teleport request | PlayerCMD.tpdeny |
motd | View motd message | PlayerCMD.motd |
--- | Display motd on join | PlayerCMD.motd.join |
give <player> <item> [pieces] | Give an item to player | PlayerCMD.give |
pinv <player> | View/Edit player's inventory | PlayerCMD.pinv |
setplace <name> | Create a place | |
msg <player> <message> |
Send message | PlayerCMD.msg |
gamemode <gamemode> [player] alias: gm |
Change gamemode | PlayerCMD.gamemode |
place <name> | Warp to place | |