


Logs player commands in a txt- file with the name of the player if the player is watched in the config. Chat isnt loged. No permissions needed.

Source Code

To watch a player type:

  • player: true

If you want to watch a players, type this.

  • all: true

By default all = true else there no configuration settings.

  • Date + Command are logged.


  • /CommandLogger spy: activates the spy mode.
  • /CommandLogger edit all 1: spys all
  • /CommandLogger edit all 0: unspys everyone.
  • /CommandLogger edit xy 1: spys xy.
  • /CommandLogger edit xy 0: unspys xy.
  • /CommandLogger hide /thiscommand is going to be hidden
  • /CommandLogger remove /thiscommand is going to get logged
  • /CommandLogger lookup [time] [radius] (Show the database results (has a limit of shown entries))
  • /CommandLogger lookuptofile [time] [radius] (Saves the database results to file without a limit)
  • /CommandLogger lookupPlayer [time] [radius] (Show the database results (has a limit of shown entries))
  • /CommandLogger lookupPlayertofile [time] [radius] (Saves the database results to file without a limit)
  • Alias /cl

Released Build