Have you ever wondered where your players are? what was their Last Command they used? With PlayerInfo+, you can find out all of these and more. It also checks the PlayerInfo when they are offline with only One command. This plugin is good for reviewing players information and what they are doing. I also added to extra commands to this this plugin. /Ptpa and /Ptphere. What /Ptpa does, it teleports you to a player Location without a player knowing. /Ptpa can also be used when a player is offline. /Ptpthere teleports a player to your location without having to wait. /Ptphere can be used when a player is offline.
Features :
IP Address
Last Message
Last Command
Food Level
Item In Hand
Exp Level
Commands & Permission
/pinfo <player> - Shows the Player Information Permission : pinfo.use
/ptpa <player> - Teleports you to a player without they knowing. It can be used when a player is offline. Permissions: ptpa.use
/ptphere <player> - Teleports a player to you. This command can be used when a player is offline. Permissions: ptphere.use