


Version: 1.3.5

Updated for the new version Minecraft! :D

This is Simple plugin that allows you to view another players Information ( Listed below ) through either Right Clicking the Player or using /pinfo [Player]! They now work through the Console as well!

This plugin comes with an automatic update checker (Doesn't automatically download the file though). You can Enable/Disable this update checked via the config.yml (Found in the plugins/PlayerInformation folder). Just set to CheckForLatestVersion to true/false to suit your needs!

How to Install...

Easy! Just drop the PlayerInformation.jar into your Plugins folder and Start the Server! Simple as!


This Plugin does not require you to have Vault UNLESS you want to use the Balance and Permission Group option!!!!!
If you want to use the Balance and Permission Group option, you MUST install Vault to do so and then set the BalanceEnabled and PermissionsEnabled option in the config to true then set the price(s). Any bugs or error's post a comment, send a ticket, read the help section on this page!


The Commands are as the following:

  1. /pinfo [Player] - See's the Information for a player ( The things they can view are definable from the Permissions)
  2. /sethealth [Amount] [Player] - Sets the players Health to the desired Amount
  3. /setfood[Amount] [Player] - Sets the players FoodLevel to the desired Amount
  4. /reloadpinfo - Reloads the Config
  5. /playerinformation - Show's Information about the Plugin


There are not Many permissions for this Plugin ( Yay :D ), Here they are:

  • - PInfo.use.command - Allow's the player to use the /pinfo Command
  • - PInfo.view - Allow's the player to view Information
  • - PInfo.view.displayname - Allow's the player to view another players Display name if he has one
  • - - Allow's the player to view another players World
  • - PInfo.view.ip - Allow's the player to view another players IP
  • - PInfo.view.balance - Allow's the player to view another players Balance ( VAULT IS REQUIRED IF YOU WISH TO USE THIS )
  • - PInfo.view.permgroup - Allow's the player to view another players Permission Group ( VAULT IS REQUIRED IF YOU WISH TO USE THIS )
  • - - Allow's the player to view another players Game-Mode
  • - PInfo.view.level - Allow's the player to view another players Level
  • - PInfo.view.exp - Allow's the player to view another players Experience
  • - PInfo.view.location - Allow's the player to view another players Location
  • - PInfo.view.direction - Allow's the player to view another players Direction ( North, East etc etc )
  • - Pinfo.view.onfire - Allow's the player to view whether another player is on fire or not
  • - - Allow's the player to view another Health
  • - - Allow's the player to view another FoodLevel
  • - PInfo.view.iteminhand - Allow's the player to view annothers Item in Hand
  • - PInfo.view.iteminhand - Allow's the player to view the ItemInHand
  • - PInfo.view.lastonline - Allow's the player to view when the player was last online
  • - PInfo.view.hasplayed - Allow's the player to view if the player has played before
  • - PInfo.sethealthself - Allow's the Player/Rank with this Permission to Set their own Health.
  • - PInfo.sethealthother - Allow's the Player/Rank with this Permission to Set their own and others Health.
  • - PInfo.setfoodself - Allow's the Player/Rank with this Permission to Set their own Health.
  • - PInfo.setfoodother - Allow's the Player/Rank with this Permission to Set their own and others Health.
  • - PInfo.reload
  • - PInfo.* - Gives the player all Permissions

To Do List:

  • Any Others you may want? Send Below or send a Ticket ( Ticket Checked more )!

Thanks! I know there may be many other Plugins out there that do this, but I am determined to be the best one out there! Leave your ideas and comments and possible bugs/error's below!


Need any Help? Please either;

  • Ask in the comments
  • Post a Ticket
  • Go on the IRC. You can get to the website from here. and Join channel #Grimlock257