Plot Generator


Plot Generator

A simple plot-generator where you can customize roads, plot-sizes, plots,... This is a generator only, more features are coming soon.


  • Customize blocks in config.
  • Allows block-data. e.g: 5:2 = birch wood
  • More features soon



For the plugin to work, you will need to add a few lines to your bukkit.yml file. Add the following lines at the bottom:

    generator: CustomPlots
Plugin Config
// Plotsize, this plot is 8 x 8 block with the edge included.
Size: 64
// The height from your plot from bedrock, default it is 1 layer bedrock, 59 layers dirt and 1 layer grass.
Height: 60
// This is the block id for your road.
PathId: 5
// This is the block data for your road, if you want birch wood the id is set to 5 and the data to 2, in-game it looks like this: 5:2.
PathData: 0
// Same as the id above but now for the block under the wall.
WallLowerId: 43
// Same as the data above but now for the block under the wall.
WallLowerData: 8
// Same as the id above but now for the the wall.
WallUpperId: 44
// Same as the data above but now for the wall.
WallUpperData: 0
// The block id from the top layer of your plot, the surface.
SurfaceId: 2
// The block id from the blocks between the surface and the layer bedrock at the bottom
GroundId: 3
// The block id from the centered block in a crossroad.
CrossroadsCenterId: 89
// The block data from the centered block in a crossroad.
CrossroadsCenterData: 0
// The block id from the blocks around the centered block in a crossroad.
CrossroadsCenterAroundId: 5
// The block data from the blocks around the centered block in a crossroad.
CrossroadsCenterAroundData: 2
// The block id from the blocks that don't touch the centered block in a crossroad.
CrossroadsCenterOutsideId: 5
// The block data from the blocks that don't touch the centered block in a crossroad.
CrossroadsCenterOutsideData: 1
Thanks for using this plugin! Suggestions are always welcome!