What does this low profile plugin do? There's a simple list:
This will only start if WorldGuard is available. Permissions really are not needed for this. If you're using the plugin, then you want people to do this. It is designed to be an interface to let players have some basic management of their owned regions, without having to worry about setting permissions. Note: Normal players can only change things about a plot that they are an owner for. Admins wanting to change things such as removing owners are likely to already be using worldguard itself. See this as a Player designed interface. Any questions, PM me or post below!
- Add members to a plot.
- Remove members from a plot.
- Add owners to a plot (No removing owners, just think of the grieving!).
- Retrieve a list of information on a plot!
- /rplot add <name> <plotname> - Add a member to a plot.
- /rplot remove <name> <plotname> - Remove a member to a plot.
- /rplot oadd <name> <plotname> - Add an owner to the plot.
- /rplot info <plotname> - Retrieve a list of info on a plot.
- /rplot help - Displays pretty much this list itself.