=== Overview ===
Plots is a mod that allows server owners, admins, mods, anybody (with the right permission) to create plots on their land.
==== How to use ====
The commands that come with plots are simple:
- /pcreate {How big X you want the plot to be} {Y} {How many X} {Y} {Size of the Path} {T/F for fences}
- /pundo
/pcreate makes the plots.
/pundo undoes the last batch of plots.
==== Configuration ====
You need to have the "plots.create" permission
==== Change Log ====
V 0.12 - Better Plot Making. J6u10 is now all that's required
V 0.1 - Initial Release
==== Plans ====
None really..
==== Thanks To ====
IRC: SagaciousZed