Plugin Tweaks

Plugin Tweaks


Plugin Tweaks

Version: 1.0

PluginTweaks: A plugin that will help you with your daily server administration. Ever got stuck updating a plugin, yet not being able to restart your server because there's players online? Well search no more! This plugin does just that.

Pages: MCStats (Coming Soon)


  • Disable/Enable a plugin
  • Reload a plugin
  • Load/Unload a plugin.
  • Get the plugin list
  • API for developers.


Command PermissionDescription
/PluginTweaks PluginsPluginTweaks.PluginsGet a list of all plugins. Enabled or Disabled.
/PluginTweaks ReloadPluginTweaks.ReloadReload the PluginTweaks Configuration
/PluginTweaks Disable <Plugin>PluginTweaks.Plugin.DisableDisable a plugin.
/PluginTweaks Enable <Plugin>PluginTweaks.Plugin.EnableEnable a disabled plugin
/PluginTweaks Reload <Plugin>PluginTweaks.Plugin.ReloadReload a plugin complete.
/PluginTweaks Load <Plugin>PluginTweaks.Plugin.LoadLoad a plugin from scratch. Requires the file name, followed by .jar
/PluginTweaks Unload <Plugin>PluginTweaks.Plugin.UnloadUnload a plugin for removal... (Java 7 only)

For Developers:

PluginTweaks has a nice and easy API for you to use. You can create a "virtual" plugin, this will help you with manipulating it.

  • Guide:
Plugin testPlugin = pt.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("TestPlugin");
PTPlugin ptpl = new PTPlugin(testPlugin);

Methods available:

  • getName()
  • getPlugin()
  • getState() <- Enabled or disabled
  • getVersion()
  • getcoloredState() <- Green = enabled | red = disabled
  • getJar()
  • setEnabled()
  • setDisabled()
  • setReload()
  • setLoad()
  • setLoad(String name) <- Load a null plugin
  • setUnload()
  • setName() <- Changes plugin name
  • restoreName() <- Resets its name to the original one in plugin.yml...

These methods all throw a "NotLoadedException". This will be thrown if the plugin is unloaded, and you attempt to modify/get info. You need to load the plugin first. You can additionally create a PTPlugin ptpl = new PTPlugin(null); then call the setLoad(Name); method.


  1. Like every single plugin out there, download the latest jar here: (Click)
  2. Put it right into your plugins folder!
  3. Reload/Restart your server!
  4. You're set to go!

Coming Soon

Green = Done | Red = Cancelled | Orange = Planned

  • Unload a plugin for removal.
  • Load a plugin for addition.
  • Better developer API
  • Crashes are now handled by PluginTweaks instead f the plugin itself.
  • Suggestions? Open up a ticket or write it as a comment!

My plugins:

The Tweaks suite: ChatTweaks | LWCTweaks | PluginTweaks | BanTweaks

Please submit a ticket if you found a bug or an error. Never paste full errors in the comments. Use pastebin instead