


Download v0.2.0


PluginBukkit allows admins to, with the help of a plugin, enable/disable plugins from the server's console (while the server is running!). Plugin enabled/disabled status is recorded in a flatfile, allowing a plugin to remain disabled even after the server is restarted.


PluginBukkit Release v0.2.0

PluginBukkit v0.2.0 permits plugin names with spaces as arguments to the "/enable" and "/disable" commands.

PluginBukkit Release v0.1.0

PluginBukkit v0.1.0 has finally been released.


Simply place the plugin in the standard Bukkit plugin directory and it will become active next time the server starts.

The plugin has two commands:

/enable [plugin]Enable [plugin] if it isn't already enabled.
/disable [plugin]Disable [plugin] if it isn't already disabled.

Both of these commands are protected by the "pluginbukkit.use" permission.


The latest plugin build can be downloaded here.

Latest Changes

  • Plugin names can now contain spaces

Planned Features

  • Feel free to suggest anything!

How Can I Help?

This plugin is developed solely by me in my free time so:

  • If you are a developer would like to contribute to this project, or any of my other projects, please PM me or email me at [email protected].
  • If you are a not developer but would still like to contribute somehow, please consider donating. Donations are highly valued and much appreciated.


Developer: Keeley Hoek (escortkeel)