Poof, Flowers!


Poof, Flowers is a fun and easy to use server plugin! Is there an in the way or ugly building that you don't feel like destroying? Did someone build a giant gold dong near your spawn? Poof it into FLOWERS!

Command Instructions

There is only one base command for this plugin, "/pf". In order to change settings in the plugin, you must type "/pf <command>" and then whatever arguments are needed. A listing of commands is as follows

  • /pf - Toggles the ability to poof blocks into flowers. This should be kept disabled when you're not poofing to prevent mis-poofs.
  • /pf size <number> - Sets the cube size for poofing blocks to be <number>. Note the that <number> is the size of one side of the cube, and the center is where you right click.
  • /pf poof <id> - Sets the block ID to poof into flowers. So using the command "/pf poof 4" will allow you to poof cobblestone into flowers. A listing of block ids can be found here
  • /pf flower <name> - Sets the type of flower to poof blocks into. Valid types are red, yellow, redcap, browncap, and air. The 2 ending with "cap" are mushrooms.
  • /pf undo - Undoes the last poof command. Note that this will not remove flowers which are on the ground as items. It will however remove any planted flowers. You can undo infinitely back (it will stop after there are no more commands to undo)
  • /pf wand - Gives you a poofing wand if you do not have one (it's a stick)
  • /pf help - Displays a listing of all commands and a brief description of each.

Usage Instructions

After enabling the ability to poof blocks with "/pf", you must first be holding a stick. The stick is your wand. Right click on any square at all, and that will center a cube of the size you set with "/pf size" around that square, and poof any blocks of the id specified with "/pf poof" into the flower specified by "/pf flower". That's all there is to it!

A quick example: Let's say you wanted to get rid of a fairly large golden dong on your map. What better way to do it then turn it into yellow flowers?
First, set the type of block to poof to be golden blocks (id 41): /pf poof 41
Next, set the size of the cube to poof. This will depend on the size of the dong, but let's just say a cube size of 30: /pf size 30
After that, set the flower to poof into to be yellow flowers: /pf flower yellow
Give yourself a wand: /pf wand
Finally, enable poofing and right click on the center of the dong: /pf


The only permission that you need to grant in order to use this plugin is "pf". IMPORTANT NOTE: This plugin can bring a server to its knees if the poofing size is set too high. The amound of flowers dropped on the ground can severely lag the server and any client nearby enough to render the flowers. Because of this, it is strongly advised to give only the most trusted players access to this command. A configurable limitation on size is planned for the future.

Installation Instructions

Simply download the latest release and drop it into your /plugins folder. There is no configuration file for this plugin.