


OVER 20,000 downloads! Thanks to everyone out there! You're SUPER awesome! :D

March, 31st: Updated to 1.7.2 Release 1!

March, 31st: Updated to 1.6.4 Release 3!
January, 27th: Updated to 1.6.4 Release 2!
January, 27th: Updated to 1.6.4 Release 1!


  1. Create Portals
    Create as much portals as needed and don't run so much around anymore!
  2. Multiple signs for one destiny
    Create ten or twenty or how much you need FROM-portals - and one TO-portal!
  3. Homepoints through signs
    Create a homepoint and let your friends travel to it - or let them fall into the void! *hehehe*

HowTo create portals?

  1. Craft two signs
  2. Place the first where you want to be teleported from
    1. Don't write anything in the first line
    2. Type "[Portal]" in second line
    3. Enter a name in the third line
    4. And write "FROM" in the fourth line
  3. Place the second sign where you want to be teleported to
    1. Don't write anything in the first line
    2. Type "[Portal]" in second line
    3. Name it like the first sign
    4. And write "TO" in the fourth line

That's it. Now right-click the first sign to be teleported.
You can also place more signs to be teleported from, just label them similar.

HowTo create home-portals?

  1. Craft two signs
  2. Place the first where you want your homepoint
    1. Don't write anything in the first line
    2. Type "[HOME]" in second line
    3. Now click okey
    4. You will receive a creation message and the sign will drop itself
  3. Place the second sign where you want to be teleported from
    1. Don't write anything in the first line
    2. Type "[Portal]" in second line
    3. Enter the homepoint you want to be teleported to
    4. And write "HOME" in the fourth line

HowTo create two-way portals?

  1. Craft two signs
  2. Place the first where you want to have the first transfer-position
    1. Don't write anything in the first line
    2. Type "[Portal]" in second line
    3. Enter a name in the third line
    4. And write "TWO-WAY" in the fourth line
  3. Place the second sign where you want to have the second transfer-position
    1. Don't write anything in the first line
    2. Type "[Portal]" in second line
    3. Name it like the first sign
    4. And write "TWO-WAY" in the fourth line

That's it. Now right-click any sign to be teleported.
You can only place two two-way-portal-signs that are named similar.

File description

You will find 3 files in the "PortalSigns" folder:

  1. Config -This file contains all messages
  2. Homes - This file contains the homepoints
  3. Portals - This file contains the normal portals


  1. You're plugin is not working!
    It works. Believe it.
  2. I get errors!
    Destroy the portals, delete the 'SignPortals' folder and try it again :)

For errors, use the ticket-function please.
Don't just write "XYZ is not working. HELP ME!"

How do I ... ?

All files are stored in the "plugins\PortalSigns\" folder.

  1. ... reset my portals?
    First delete all portals ingame and then delete the "Portal.PS" file.
    For specific portals open the "Portals.PS" file and delete them.
  2. ... edit the messages?
    Open the "Config.Ps" file and edit them.
    Take a look at the "Configuration" page here!
  3. ... report bugs the right way?
    In your server log starts a line with "Caused by: ..." (If it's a real bug)
    I just need the "Caused by: ..." and its following lines.

Write things you want me to do in the comments or PM me!


VariationVault made a little showcase, go check it out here: Click me!
Y0urShad0vv also made one: Click me!

Update Notes

Version 1.7.2 Release 1 EX1 (should work with 1.7.2 and higher):
- First attempt to solve lag
Version 1.7.2 Release 1 (should work with 1.7.2 and higher):
- Compiled with 1.7.2, please report errors to me! :)
Version 1.6.4 Release 3 (should work with 1.6.4 and higher):
- You can now create permission-based portals!
-> With TO-FROM: Set the first line of the TO-Sign to any permission you want and prevent people without permission to teleport to it!
-> With TWO-WAY: Set the first line of one of the signs to any permission you want (the second one will update itself)
Version 1.6.4 Release 2 (should work with 1.6.4 and higher):
- Had to remove version-checking
Version 1.6.4 Release 1 (should work with 1.6.4 and higher):
- This is more like a test if it still works. Because people sometimes think plugins won't work with higher versions :)
- fixed a bug, where the message wouldn't show when you place a home-portal and the target player has no home
Version 1.5.2 Release 6 (should work with 1.6.2 and higher):
- fixed a bug with the restriction-options, which prevented blocks from being destroyed (again :( ... I'm sorry!)
Version 1.5.2 Release 5 (should work with 1.6.2 and higher):
- fixed a bug with the restriction-options, which prevented blocks from being destroyed
Version 1.5.2 Release 4 (should work with 1.6.2 and higher):
- Plugin checks on startup / reload, if theres is a new version available!
- New config options:
PLAYER_PERMISSION_MISSING: Displayed, when a is missing a permission to do something
PORTAL_CREATION_BLOCK_COST: Displayed, when under a placed sign no "PortalCreationCostBlockID" is
VersionCheck (default: true): if true, the plugin sends OPs on login a message if a new version is available
SyncStorageFiles (default: false): if true, the plugin checks on startup (or reload) if the stored sign-values still exist in the world
PortalCreationCostBlockID (default: null): if set to a value, there has to be the block with this id under a sign to create a portal

Version 1.5.2 Release 3:
- On startup or reload, the plugin checks now if the portals still exist
- Messages are now a little bit more fancy :)
- Add permission / op check:
PortalCreationRestriction (default: false): if true, you have to be op / have the permissions to create a portal
PortalUsageRestriction (default: false): if true, you have to be op / have the permissions to use a portal
PortalDestructionRestriction (default: false): if true, you have to be op / have the permissions to break a portal

Version 1.5.2 Release 2
- Reworked the whole plugin, everything should work properly
- Also, less chat messages! (Before there were 3 messages on portal creation)
- Removed 4 Messages:
- Added 2 Messages:
- New command:
/signportals removehome - Removes a players home

If you want to support me or keep me doing these things please donate, every single dollar or whatever helps me :)