


PowerTeleport is an independent plugin that provides several methods of player teleportation through the use of commands. This plugin is a cumulative effort between Foretvert and CMonster95. Please comment if you need help, submit a ticket for any errors you find with the plugin, and feel free to offer suggestion of new features that we should implement. Make note that PowerTeleport is distributed as a .zip file, meaning you will have to extract the .jar file out: this file is the plugin. If you have time, please fill out the poll to the right; depending on the results, new features may be added.


Explains every facet of this plugin, both with files and in-game


/tp <playerName> [playerName] : Forcibly teleport to the given player, or teleport the first player to a second player.

/tphere <playerName> : Force the given player to teleport to you.

/tpa <playerName> : Sends a teleport request to the given player that can be accepted or denied.

/tpahere <playerName> : Sends a teleport request to the given player that requests that the given player teleport to you.

/tpaccept : Accepts a teleport request from the /tpa or /tpahere command.

/tpdeny : Denies a teleport request from the /tpa or /tpahere command.

/tploc <playerName> <X> <Y> <Z> [pitch] [yaw] : Teleports the given player to a location with the X, Y, and Z coordinates defined, or to a location that includes all three coordinates along with pitch and yaw. Pitch and yaw determine the direction a player's head is facing. Pitch can be any integer from -90 (looking up) to 90 (looking down). Yaw is any integer from 0 (facing south) to 359, completing a full circle of revolution. It should be noted that yaw will turn the player clockwise with higher values, meaning the integer 45 will make the player face the south-west direction. Directions can also be used instead of numbers for both pitch and yaw. For pitch, the arguments are: up, straight, and down, while any cardinal or intercardinal direction will work for yaw: n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, and nw.

/back : Returns the user to their latest death location once.

/tpworld <playerName> <worldName> : Teleports the given player to the specified loaded world.

/powerteleport : Sends a link to this page to the user.


Currently, only values in terms of time can be configured. In later updates, we hope to include custom messages.

tp-request-timeout : Sets the time in seconds before a teleport request from the commands /tpa or /tpahere times out. Default is set to 30 seconds.

tp-request-delay : Sets the time in seconds in which a player needs to stand still before a teleport will commence. Default is set to 5 seconds.

back-delay : Sets the time in seconds in which a player needs to stand still before the teleport will commence with the /back command. Default is set to 5 seconds.


pt.* : All PowerTeleport commands.

pt.tpbasic : Parent node that includes the ability to use /tpa, /tpahere, /tpaccept, and /tpdeny.

pt.tp : Allows the use of /tp.

pt.tphere : Allows the use of /tphere.

pt.tpa : Allows the use of /tpa.

pt.tpahere : Allows the use of /tpahere.

pt.tpaccept : Allows the use of /tpaccept.

pt.tpdeny : Allows the use of /tpdeny.

pt.tploc : Allows the use of /tploc.

pt.back : Allows the use of /back.

pt.bypassback : If a player has this node, there will be no teleport delay when using the /back command.

pt.tpworld : Allows the use of /tpworld.

pt.forums : Allows the use of /powerteleport.

Features to be implemented

- Create a better config.yml to allow custom messages;

- Integrate into LilyPad API to permit cross-server teleportation;

- Give an in-game notice to all those with the permission that PowerTeleport has a new version available;