This plugin has been moved to Spigot
This plugin only support 1.11.2. To get version 1.12 you need to Click here to visit Spigot
PowerToolsPlus Is the newest up to date working plugin! Its the most advanced powertool plugin! And there will be more soon!
- PlaceHolderAPI Support (Not Required)
- Version 1.11.2
- UpdateChecker (You can disable this in the config)
- DataBase (It stores the saved powertool data) (Required)
- [Right Click / Right Shift Click / Left Click / Left Shift Click] Functions
- Calculation in the code between [ <- + -> ]
- Range of the wand! Which block it focused
- You can add variables in any command you want to execute!
Comming soon features:
- This plugin development is stopped. There will be no further updates
Keybind list: Click here
AutoUpdateChecking: User can disable/enable auto checking in the config, if the plugin is outdated!
Important: Tell me what you think of the plugin and if you got any more ideas!
If you want to add a calculated amount in the code!
Then use the format [ <- + -> ] everything between thoose charackters wil be calculated
For example [1+ %x%] Will return your x-Cord + 1
Range is the amount of max distanse your wand can focus
For example /pt right_click cmd:/setblock %blockX% %blockY% %blockZ% minecraft:stone (range:4)
The maximum distance of the wand will be 4 blocks!
Plugin PlaceHolders:
- %player%
- %ip%
- %health%
- %food%
- %world%
- %level%
- %xp%
- %uuid%
- %x%
- %y%
- %z%
- %gamemode%
- %online%
- %displayname%
- (range:{RANGE NUMBER}) example: (range:2)
- %block%
- %blockX%
- %blockY%
- %blockZ%