A fellow requested this on the bukkit forums.
A lightweight plugin without any commands. If you stand on an iron pressure plate, you can then teleport anywhere, if you look in that angle, and press the left mouse button. The plugin will teleport you up to 30 blocks. In later versions you will be able, to customize this in the plugin.yml. You can maybe use this plugin for fast and commandless teleportation in a mini game server inside the lobby.
Upgrading the plugin
If you like this plugin, and want to add something to it, just PM me, and i will give you the source code folder. If you did some changes to it, you can then upload it to the bukkitdev, but ONLY if you added some real code to it (not just increased the teleportation cap to 64 or something...).
How to use
You just stand on an iron pressure plate, then the plugin will send you a confirmation text. After the text was appeared, you need to left click somewhere, and you will teleport there, if it's closer than 30 blocks.
How to install
- Drop it in your plugins folder
- Start the server