




PrivateWarps is a warp(teleportation) plugin that gives each individual players their own private warps. With a configurable max allowed warp setting... So you can limit how many warps a player can have... As admin. you can add more warps for a player. If they have reached their limit. And delete, warp to and list them. And it is fully configurable from in-game(Well there is not much to really configure.. Only the max warps allowed).


Commands / Permissions / Description

/pwarpprivatewarps.warpWarps you to a specified warp!
/pswarpprivatewarps.warp.otherWarps you to another players warp. If it is shared to you.
/psetwarpprivatewarps.setwarpSets a warp at your location with the name you specify!
/pdelwarpprivatewarps.delwarpDeletes the warp you name!
/pwarpsprivatewarps.listwarpsList all warps available for you!
/pshareprivatewarps.shareAllows you to share warps.
/padminprivatewarps.adminWill show you what admin commands that is available!

Information about the /padmin command:

Padmin commandDescription
/padmin warp <playerName> <WarpName>This will warp you to the specified warp for the specified player!
/padmin setwarp <playerName> <WarpName>Will add a warp for the specified player!(Overrides maximum allowed warps)
/padmin delwarp <playerName> <WarpName>Will delete a warp for the specified player!
/padmin listwarps <playername>Will list all warps that the specified player has!
/padmin warplimit <number>Will change the maximum allowed warps for every player!
/padmin delay <number>Will change the warp delay!
/padmin cooldown <number>Will change the cooldown before you can warp again!
/padmin cmove <true or false>Changes the cancel warp on move setting!


Plugin config.yml

    Maximum-Allowed-Warps: 6
    Warp-Delay: 3
    Warp-Cooldown: 10
    Cancel-Warp-On-Player-Move: true
    List-Shared-Warps-To-Players: true

Plugin plugin.yml - Commands:

        aliases: pa
        permission: PrivateWarps.admin
        description: Admin commands for PrivateWarps. Type /padmin to see the options
        aliases: pw
        permission: PrivateWarps.warp
        description: Warps you to the specified warp if it exist!
        aliases: pset
        permission: PrivateWarps.setwarp
        description: Sets a private warp
        aliases: pdel
        permission: PrivateWarps.delwarp
        description: Deletes a warp that you specify!
        aliases: plist
        permission: PrivateWarps.listwarps
        description: List all warps available for you!
        aliases: psw
        permission: PrivateWarps.warp.other
        description: Warp to another players warp(If it is shared to you)
        aliases: ps
        permission: PrivateWarps.share
        description: Allows you to share one of your warps to another player!


  • Feature to make a warp public(Or you can specify which player that has access to 1 of your warps or more.) <- This works. But I haven't got any good ways to show the shared warp for the other player yet. So this remains undocumented at this time... But the commands is in the plugin. After version 1.2.1.
  • Make all messages configurable.
  • Option to limit max warps by permissions per group.

Known Bugs:

None at this time.

Source can be found here: GitHub