Professional Donating

Professional Donating


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MineCrafterCity Donating System

I made this donating system for my own server, and I've decided to give it out to the public so everyone can profit from it. I developed it with 1.8 in mind, so everything works perfectly. You simply add this plugin to all the servers you want (in your network) and connect them all to the same database.

To do

  • Website admin panel to list donations (Not started)
  • Add custom commands to plugin (Doing)
  • Add option to give points on all servers (Not started)

Plugin Requirements

  • PlayerPoints
  • BossShop
  • BossAPI
  • This plugin
  • One Database
  • Website where you can use PHP..
  • Paypal account


  • MyDonations - Shows the donations from that player (no perms needed)

How does it work?

The player goes to your website, where there's a page he can donate on. He fills in his username, drags the slider to the amount he wants to donate and presses the fancy donating button. This redirects him to Paypal and allows him to pay to the email adress in the config. After the payment is verified the plugin will now display a thank you message and send the player an in-game email (using essentials, or any plugin tha allows /mail send (player) [message]). Then the plugin will execute /points give (player) amountOfPoints. So yeah, you do need the plugin PlayerPoints (which works for 1.8!) and you should use BossShop and BossAPI to make a inventory shop where you can add items, ranks, commands ect. ect.

It's a bit to setup, but once you've set it all up you have a good stable donating system that doesn't look lazy ( like BuyCraft, no offence..) Another huge advantage is that this system is independent and it won't be offline (unless your servers are offline..) Donation Example

More Detailed Explanation

The plugins you need: BossShop BossAPI PlayerPoints

And of course my plugin

Then get your spigot 1.8 server (Havn't tried with lower versions but should work just fine)

  1. BossShop: Will handle the shop
  2. BossAPI: Will connect PlayerPoints with BossShop
  3. Playerpoints: Will be the currency like having credits.


  1. First, Make your shop in BossShop, they have video tutorials and a great program to make this easier. Just make sure that players have to pay with Points
  2. Then, Go to BossShop config.yml and go all the way on the bottom of the config file, change PointsPlugin into: PointsPlugin: PlayerPoints
  3. Almost done, install BossAPI (if you havn't done that yet.) and install my plugin on your website and server(s). Go to donate.php and change those servers into yours. And in the config.yml of my plugin there's an option: server: that has to be the value of the option tag in the donate.php file. (This is done so that you can connect multiple servers to the same database)
  4. Now change the config.php file in /pay/config.php to your information.
  5. It's also important you set a IPN for Paypal (link to ipn.php in pay folder).


The database isn't working!
This can have many reasons but the most common once are,
  • A invalid IP, Username or Password.
  • If you're using an external database not on the localhost you need to give the IP adress that wants to connect to the MySQL database access. Google: grant remote access to MySQL database
Need something custom?

Can't you figure out how to set it all up? Or want to change the layout of the page, or integrate it to your website but can't figure it out? I can help you with this. My prices:

  • Layout changing: $10 - $20 (Depending if you have a layout) this will be a responsive layout
  • Website integration: $10
  • Support: free