Project HungerGames

Project HungerGames


Project HungerGames

May the odds be ever in your favour.


  • A lot of config options (messages, random spawns distances and random events, ...).
  • View a list of winners.
  • You can add your maps or you can let the plugin generate them.
  • There is a lobby !
  • Spawn random items (configurable, you can choose to spawn them in chests).
  • Broadcast random messages (configurable too).
  • Level bar countdown.
  • Integrated kits system.
  • Easy to use API.
  • BungeeCord support.
  • Reward system.
  • Auto-updates available with the Skyupdater.
  • Spectator mode integrated.
  • Developed by me :D


The documentation is available here (commands, permissions, configuration, ...).

Use it with BungeeCord

It is possible !
Check this page for more informations !

Development builds

Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server.
These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
You can download the latest dev build here.

Medias speaks about Project HungerGames !

If you are a YouTuber and wanna make a video, please leave a comment with your link ;)
You can also post pictures as long as they have a relationship with the plugin.

Try it by yourself !

Go on the following IP :

You can invite your friends to play together ;)

Services included in the plugin

This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to :

  • A unique identifier.
  • The server's version of Java.
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode.
  • The plugin's version.
  • The server's version.
  • The OS version/name and architecture.
  • The core count for the CPU.
  • The number of players online.
  • The Metrics version.

This plugin uses the Skyupdater, which means that the following may occur :

  • Connection to
  • Plugin version compared against version on
  • Downloading of the plugin from

This plugin uses an automatic errors report, which means that the following may occur :

  • Getting your plugin version, your Bukkit version, your Java version, the error log and send it to
  • Sends an e-mail to Skyost.

All of that can be disabled in the configuration file. Check the documentation here for more informations.


Please feel free to fork the project on Github if you want to improve it. This will really help me !


Development cost time and time is the money of the life. Please feel free to donate.


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