- 3
Error null when using WrappedBlockData.setData
#1374 opened by soshimee - 1
Bungeecord Console Error... cannot connect to server at all.
#1373 opened by Niccckkkk - 1
1.12.2 ProtocolLib - Custom Name in DataWatcher does not work
#1372 opened by klochk - 3
Many errors were received on the console
#1371 opened by Epslion404 - 4
WrappedDataWatcher not working the same on 1.17 as it did on 1.16
#1370 opened by Jaimss - 1
I am getting errors in console
#1369 opened by bolib945 - 3
How to spawn an item with ProtocolLib for one player ?
#1368 opened by MrClean1337 - 2
How to not use PacketDataSerializer?
#1367 opened by Th0rgal - 0
Entity_metadata wiki wrong index
#1366 opened by inrhor - 2
A 'suppressed reports' option to suppress/hide "Unable to intercept a read client packet"
#1365 opened by DisplayPort - 1
Bug of protocol lib with plugin oreobfuscator
#1364 opened by Disk-MTH - 2
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib
#1363 opened by ErythroCraft - 1
- 2
[Server thread/ERROR]: [ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#1360 opened by Trippyx87 - 1
Plead to consider supporting running in mojang mapped environment
#1359 opened by Flo0 - 3
Accessing the SquidEntity NMS class returns Failed to find NMS class
#1358 opened by CubitsDev - 0
#1357 opened by LeonTheo02 - 2
PrettyPrinter performs illegal reflective access
#1356 opened by A248 - 8
IChatBaseComponent doesn't exist in PacketPlayOutScoreboardTeam
#1355 opened by Nononitas - 3
No enum constant PlayerDigType.SWAP_ITEM_WITH_OFFHAND
#1353 opened by Th0rgal - 0
Error in packet
#1352 opened by FavioMc19 - 4
#1351 opened by StevenDouillet - 1
Error in console / In game
#1350 opened by Kouveyl - 1
Unable to intercept read client packet
#1349 opened by DrakstaarMSD - 0
WrapperPlayServerBoss from PacketWrapper
#1348 opened by DoubleNico - 1
PacketType.Play.Server.Chat has null fields when message has a sender
#1347 opened by repeater64 - 0
ProtocolLib Performance
#1346 opened by LucidAPs - 2
Accessor tries to create a list from invalid constructor
#1345 opened by libraryaddict - 3
Removing Players from Tablist not working Properly
#1344 opened by DerSimeon - 1
#1343 opened by DoubleNico - 1
Whitelist packet
#1342 opened by MatsG23 - 0
console error logs
#1341 opened by 3269199948 - 2
getEntityTrackers and updateEntity not working on 1.17
#1340 opened by LeonMangler - 3
NBTFactory.readBlockState(block) return null
#1339 opened by Anarchick - 6
4.7.0 bug with Packet PacketPlayOutEntityDestroy
#1338 opened by ItzAmirreza - 1
Error with PacketPlayOutEntityMetadata on 1.17
#1337 opened by iGabyTM - 2
#1336 opened by 9dolanla - 6
getProtocolManager() is null
#1335 opened by UsainSrht - 4
JavaDoc search button
#1334 opened by Inxity - 1
[ProtocolLib] Exception registering converter
#1333 opened by Fuvell - 1
Displaying Hologram Issue (Please Read)
#1332 opened by kiloRs - 4
List converter not compatible with singleton lists
#1331 opened by games647 - 5
Cannot load Protocollib
#1330 opened by Gezellligheid - 1
massive error on console, it says to report here
#1329 opened by oOBetaOo - 2
Error on console
#1328 opened by AccioAce - 0
Not able to load and auto stop my server after starting.
#1327 opened by WilsonChoong - 1
ProtocolLib issue 1.16.5
#1326 opened by GavinMassa - 1
Console Error ProtocolLib 1.17
#1325 opened by Bergfalkk - 5
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot compile structure. Disabing compiler.
#1324 opened by heraqu - 2
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Purpur-1260 1.17.1
#1323 opened by Stixil