- 1
1.19 error
#1673 opened by tonibonbona - 9
Protocolib 1.19 error
#1672 opened by ChoqueCastroLD - 2
When a player is connecting : [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/ERROR]
#1671 opened by Neileroo - 9
Chat event is not fired on advancement chat message
#1670 opened by Nononitas - 3
posting in public chat
#1669 opened by ProMiner909 - 1
ProtocoLib + God's Eye Plugin
#1668 opened by AdvaithVp - 0
ProtocolLib blowing up
#1666 opened by sovtec - 2
INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to intercept a read client packet.
#1665 opened by sebastiantho - 2
Protocollib and Mypet
#1664 opened by SrMonsterYT - 8
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to intercept a read client packet.
#1663 opened by EverydayHero2022 - 4
#1662 opened by Artzert2215 - 0
Modifier for Either and SignatureData in PacketLoginInEncryptionBegin
#1661 opened by games647 - 3
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to intercept a read client packet.
#1660 opened by MM4004 - 1
where is NetworkMarker#addOutputHandler
#1658 opened by I-am-ddang - 2
INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to intercept a read client packet on player login
#1656 opened by sovtec - 3
Stonecutter dupes items
#1655 opened by ValhallaCraft - 3
error 1.19 ProtocolLib
#1654 opened by SteveImStuck - 3
When i open my survival server 1.19 that happens
#1653 opened by SteveImStuck - 3
I'm getting this error when I start my server up
#1652 opened by strikeknight57 - 2
Error Unable to intercept a read client packet.
#1651 opened by User4716 - 2
error on disable
#1650 opened by FakEEE14 - 6
FieldAccessException: No field with type com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile exists in class PacketLoginInStart.
#1649 opened by JhordanPG - 2
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot enable ProtocolLib.
#1648 opened by Cristiandgamer - 7
Error when sending PacketType.Play.Server.MAP to client on 1.17.1
#1647 opened by nghuy1610 - 11
Comands packet can't be changed/read correctly on 1.19
#1646 opened by Nononitas - 0
5.0.0-SNAPSHOT doesn't run properly on 1.18 (and possibly older versions)
#1644 opened by diogotcorreia - 14
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to intercept a read client packet.
#1643 opened by daragnimc - 0
Error message in console when hitting mobs.
#1642 opened by Wextra - 2
i have big error run in my server
#1641 opened by prabhu8680 - 1
#1640 opened by LittleDuck363 - 2
Server hasn't responded for 10 seconds! [1.19]
#1638 opened by dymrrr - 1
Lags server with 2900% per tick
#1637 opened by kalleswe - 3
INTERNAL ERROR - Console made me to post this: (1.19)
#1636 opened by ShakyJojo - 1
Error message when using plugin with obfuscator
#1635 opened by TecEash1 - 2
[5.0.0-SNAPSHOT] Nexus repository doesn't have the latest version
#1634 opened by diogotcorreia - 1
1.19 spam errors in the chat
#1633 opened by phillipunzen - 1
1.19 Spawn Entity does not respect entity id
#1632 opened by Chasewhip8 - 18
1.19 Dev Builfd
#1631 opened by matipoirierg - 2
Custom ID registered EntityType in packets returns null with getEntityTypeModifier {1.18.2}
#1627 opened by lexiccn - 1
INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to intercept a read client packet. - 1.19 on Bisect Hosting using Spigot 1.19 Java 17 jar
#1626 opened by LordBezoar - 2
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to intercept a read client packet. - Paper 1.19
#1625 opened by Matt2021-A - 2
Why is PacketType.Play.Server.SPAWN_ENTITY_LIVING invalid on 1.17.1?
#1624 opened by LaserSlime - 4
PacketType.Status.Server.SERVER_INFO listeners not firing
#1620 opened by LOOHP - 10
[Bungee/Waterfall] 1.19 Minecraft SMP Server ERROR
#1619 opened by Hax100 - 1
INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to intercept a read client packet.
#1615 opened by antonioscarpino - 3
Cannot modify merchant recipes in OPEN_WINDOW_MERCHANT packet
#1611 opened by Rothes - 2
Client Packet Issues on Spigot 1.19
#1609 opened by frontlinegeek - 1
[1.19] Unable to intercept a read client packet
#1608 opened by noiverre - 3
Crashing on 1.19
#1606 opened by HenrikoMagnifico - 6
[1.16.5] BUG
#1605 opened by viminio