- 0
Using EnumWrappers.EntityPose in WrappedDataWatcher
#2789 opened by enotakin - 1
Spigot 1.20.4 unable to load ProtocolLib 5.4.3
#2791 opened by TheBlueVolcano - 2
Cannot run ProtocolLib
#2792 opened by DarkmayGOD - 0
can't use in 1.20.4, regenerated config folder still error.
#2779 opened by Laythy - 0
#2780 opened by CrystalTEMP - 1
Error on enable
#2781 opened by GustyCube - 0
These warnings are flooding my client and server consoles
#2782 opened by CNDogc - 1
Chat Stops working
#2783 opened by xxcosita3czxx - 1
ProtocolLib v5.1.0 is broken by server start
#2784 opened by LeLuniXx - 1
failed to start protocol lib
#2785 opened by subtogash - 2
Needs 1.20x support
#2786 opened by KewcheeJuice - 0
PurPur 1.20.4 Error
#2787 opened by konsheng - 0
Purpur 1.20.4 Error
#2788 opened by TheCiROMG - 2
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib
#2754 opened by TasfiqSami - 3
Doesn't work in 1.20.2
#2739 opened by SeCrEaT999 - 0
1.20.4 error
#2740 opened by UlrichBR - 1
NullPointerException: type cannot be null
#2741 opened by Rollczi - 1
ERROR]: Couldn't place player in world
#2742 opened by Z3r0xh - 0
I have no idea what this even is..
#2743 opened by DuomaxAE - 0
ProtocolLib wont start.
#2745 opened by crmacca - 1
Cant cast Enums
#2746 opened by Wikterno - 1
Request help plugin error on 1.20.4purpur core
#2747 opened by AssassinOWL - 1
ProtocolLib wont work.
#2748 opened by ansahtoby12 - 0
Problem with versions 1.16-1.17.1 (It's about including)
#2749 opened by Tobiczek - 0
Component in WrappedGameProfile
#2750 opened by Wikterno - 0
Couldn't place player in world ERROR
#2751 opened by fadfhkdfga - 1
[BUG] ProtocolLib 5.1.1 - Failed to find NMS class: WorldType
#2752 opened by Auracio - 0
how fix?
#2753 opened by SeeZhoo - 1
i cant use the latest version for my server on 1.20.2
#2778 opened by Lootje1806 - 3
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/comphenix/protocol/ProtocolLibrary with 3
#2774 opened by WizTheGreat - 1
Protocolib not starting with Purpur 1.20.4 / Slimeworldmanager
#2773 opened by Vosiekipje - 1
invalid player data on join purpur 1.18.2
#2775 opened by ItzEnderArkail - 0
[17:38:19 ERROR]: [ProtocolLib] Error initializing plugin 'ProtocolLib.jar' in folder 'plugins' (Is it up to date?) Version 1.20.4
#2776 opened by 4hfdslh - 0
[ERROR]: Couldn't place player in world
#2757 opened by Blskk - 1
Compilation Failure: SerializedOfflinePlayer Missing getLocation Override
#2758 opened by andrewkm - 4
Player Info Packet Error
#2760 opened by Xiao-MoMi - 1
protollib not loading showing given error and later showing [07:41:19 ERROR]: ProtocolLib does not support plugin reloaders! Please use the built-in reload command! and ultimately disabling
#2761 opened by rushilhacker1 - 0
1.20.4 com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.FieldAccessException: Field index 0 is out of bounds for length 0
#2762 opened by JAYDY0102 - 0
Packet error whenever joining error
#2764 opened by Cocolennon - 1
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#2765 opened by kelegele - 1
NetWorkException: null
#2763 opened by fadfhkdfga - 0
Protocol lib not work 1.20.4
#2766 opened by Anthony123456555 - 3
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#2767 opened by Mrs-Feathers - 7
ProtocolLib not working on paper 1.20.4 server
#2768 opened by TBA-3 - 1
#2769 opened by w8oooo - 1
Entity Equipment reading and updating
#2770 opened by Jakush - 0
java.lang.NullPointerException jdk 18
#2771 opened by lorentedford - 1
#2772 opened by Cristoo123 - 0
5.1.1 (1.8-1.20.2) Builds Missing on Jenkins
#2793 opened by GoldenEdit - 0
Packet Serialize Error
#2794 opened by minhyeok1202