- 1
#1216 opened by Sentaku - 2
ProtocolLib Errors
#1215 opened by Downlqad - 1
ProtocolLib-StructureCompiler 0/ERROR
#1214 opened by Illustive - 1
Exception with SlotStackPairs
#1213 opened by MCMDEV - 1
No optimalize for Spigot 1.17 version
#1212 opened by PLASTAR-2748 - 1
Console/ ingame error message
#1211 opened by ChloeTheFox - 1
Error Appears on Paper MC 1.16.5-777 (ProtocolLib 4.6.0)
#1210 opened by rudipratm - 29
Minecraft 1.17 support
#1209 opened by dmulloy2 - 2
Getting this error when i try to use ProtocolLib With Paper 1.16.5
#1208 opened by YamiBot - 2
1.17 support?
#1207 opened by kolakz - 1
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot load ProtocolLib.
#1206 opened by aidanmccants - 1
Unable to intercept a read client packet,then the player can't join
#1205 opened by EikoocS - 1
Internal Error Message In Console
#1204 opened by JIMSAM2 - 1
1.17 Support
#1203 opened by KiwiMCGaming - 13
a little issue with the latest 1.17 version
#1202 opened by CloudeLecaw - 2
Cannot compile structure Compiler Error
#1201 opened by Savagent - 1
Can't use any commands after installing ProtocolLib
#1200 opened by DaRealJake - 1
#1199 opened by ALufkin24 - 3
I was on java 11 and switch to java 16 now im getting this issue
#1198 opened by redrozay - 2
Internal Error: Cannot compile Structure. Disabling Compiler
#1197 opened by HolyCheems - 1
Should all be clean install?!
#1196 opened - 1
Internal error crashes the server
#1195 opened by Villmarksjenta - 2
Error: INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot compile structure. Disabing compiler.
#1194 opened by DriveLive - 1
#1193 opened by DaMadesTx - 2
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot compile structure
#1192 opened by kolakz - 0
server crash
#1191 opened by Portal2001 - 2
Java 16 Problems Already
#1190 opened by kiloRs - 3
#1189 opened by leroxrd - 4
How to continue asynchronous packets processing?
#1187 opened by molor - 1
Way to get player protocol from bungee?
#1186 opened by nicolasvac - 1
How fix
#1185 opened by Special-Base - 1
Console told me to send:
#1184 opened by Methusalem1970 - 1
Mohist Fatal error
#1183 opened by t2vee - 1
Error Can't Compile Structure. Disabling Compiler.
#1182 opened by Illustive - 1
[ProtocolLib] INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to intercept a read client packet.
#1180 opened by CormacZ - 2
- 1
#1177 opened - 1
INTERNAL ERROR: Cannot compile structure. Disabing compiler.
#1176 opened by SofianeLasri - 1
Internal Server Error
#1175 opened by darklightpuppet - 2
1.16.5 Spigot Maven ProtocolLibrary.getProtocolManager() = null
#1174 opened by pioula - 5
My Server crash all the time because of ProtocoLib
#1173 opened by 7AGAM - 1
#1172 opened by Mapacheee - 1
#1171 opened by Patrick12300 - 0
ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter not marked as sharable
#1170 opened by Camotoy - 3
error in chant
#1169 opened by RIPISDRAD - 1
Show Invisibles to only some clients
#1168 opened by Quared0 - 4
Illegal Access Warn
#1167 opened by GeniusH5 - 2
Idk what bug is this i am just opening a server with the plugins ty!
#1166 opened by Agent-01 - 1
NoSuchMethodException: MapIcon hasn't an empty constructor!
#1165 opened by SoKnight - 1
ProtocolLib-StructureCompiler 0/ERROR
#1164 opened by rkfsociety