Purchase Commands

Purchase Commands


Purchase Commands!

Like My Plugin? Please Support Me Via Donations! Even 10 Cents is better than nothing :D (Look Above the search box)
Also Available for hire for Plugin Dev
Thanks for 3,000 downloads!


/reload WILL BREAK THE PLUGIN. Please STOP and Start the server to reload (Don't worry, I will add a /reload command for the plugin eventually)

Known Supported Permission System

(Online OR Offline Mode) PemissionsEX
(Server Must Be In ONLINE Mode) BPermissions

Known UnSupported Permission Systems\Conflicting Plugins


What This Is

This lightweight command shop plugin allows your users to purchase up to 54 commands. Players will use the command /cs (or /cstore or /commandstore) to open a GUI shop. Within the shop there are two colored glasses.
Green: The user has this command already
Red: The user does not have this command
Clicking on the glass will remove the cost from the player's wallet, and grant the permission node to the user unlocking the command. As you can guess, this plugin REQUIRES vault, AND a permission plugin to function.

Happy shopping!


Watch The Video! Or
Download the jar into your plugin folder. Start the server to generate the commands.yml. Stop the server, then modify the commands.yml to your hearts content.
Special Note:
Perm - used for single commands
Perms - used for command PACKS

YML Info

While making an item cost money per use (recurring) be sure to add the command and its aliases to the RecurringCommands.YML


cs.use - allows users to get to the command shop. This is enabled by default, all users have access.

Future Plans

Command Pages (Different pages with different commands).
Sign Support For Pages.


Before You Comment!

Having an issue with the plugin? Help me help you and include the following in your comment:
All Server Plugins
Error Log - If one shows in console
Server Version

Change log

Coming back for an update? Here's what's new in v 0.3.6:

(Do not download 0.3.5, known issue with commands not being sent unless store is opened first. This has been fixed in 0.3.6)

Updating from V0.3? YML EDIT REQUIRED!

  • Support for worlds.
  • Fixed issue with plugin adding "Cost per use" to the permissions.
  • Fixed issue with plugin reading V0.1
  • Fixed (Possible) issue with recurring commands not working.

----UPDATING FROM V0.3.0?----

When updating to this version add


to each of your purchasable commands. Each command needs to have Worlds: attached to it and at least 1 world.

Per world you would use each world you need, like so

- worldName
- worldName2
- moreworlds

If you want ALL worlds just do

- all