PVP Maze
The PVP Maze plugin creates a randomly generated maze of certain parameters and then starts a pvp match inside the match. The match can be moved along by the walls closing in or chests appearing near the center.
Warning: Make sure you back up your world before creating a maze
/create: creates a maze: entering no values will retrieve all values from config file entering a width and passagewidth(recommended is /create 200 10) on console will create a maze with those parameters with the center taken from the console entering width and passagewidth as a player will create a maze with those parameters with the center as the player's location
/startmatch starts the match, creates a maze, and teleports players to the center
/deletemaze: deletes the maze and attempts to reset the blocks(SAVE if you really don't want your world to be messed up) with values of center location and size taken from the config file
/joinmatch: will enter you into the match players for a one minute period after the match is started. Your inventory will be cleared and you will be teleported once the match starts
Default Config File
#default config file for PVP Maze #maze settings width: 200 #the total width of the maze from end to end passagewidth: 10 #the width of the maze passages worldname: world #the name of the world where the maze goes locx: 0 #the x coordinate of the maze center locz: 0 #the z coordinate of the maze center holefreq: 20 #the frequency of holes in the maze, set to -1 for none, set from 1(lowest- 1 out of 100 columns are holes) to 100(highest- every column has a hole) #/maze setting #deleteMaze settings deletemaze: width: 200 locx: 0 locz: 0 worldname: world #/deletemaze settings #match settings(in minutes) chestsfreq: 3 #the frequency chests appearing set to -1 to cancel chests chestsdelay: 5 #the initial delay before chests begin to appear wallsfreq: 3 #the frequency of walls closing set to -1 to cancel walls closing wallsdelay: 5 #the initial delay before the walls begin to close #/match settings