by Gcflames5 (Plugin request by tallbailey)
PvPalooza is a plugin I have created by request. Essentially, any amount of players can join a lobby, select a class, get broken up into RED and BLUE teams, then fight out to the death. For each kill, you get 5 points, and 10 points if you survive to the end (and your team wins, obviously). I will hook these points into being able to be converted into iConomy, Essentials Economy, and Company Craft money. Three classes: Mage, Warrior, Archer (customizable classes coming soon). By request, the permissions system is entirely op-based.
Setup Tutorial
- Using WorldEdit, select a region to become your lobby, then type /setLobby (make sure nobody can get out once in)
- Walk into your lobby and type /setLobbySpawn
- Put 3 signs inside the lobby, put the names of the three classes on the second line of each sign:
- For example: The first sign will have lines 1,3, and 4 blank, but line 2 will say "Mage", "Warrior", or "Archer"
- Place an iron block somewhere in the lobby, players will right click this to signify if they are ready
- Using WorldEdit, select the region to become your arena and type /setArena
- Go into the arena and set two spawn points, one for each team, using /setBlueSpawn and /setRedSpawn
- Walk out of the arena and type /setLoserSpawn, which is where everyone will be teleported once the match has ended
Player Tutorial
- Type /join, take off all armor beforehand
- Right click any one of the 3 class selection signs
- Right click the iron block
- Wait for everyone else to be ready
All Commands
- setArena: description: Sets the arena area using WorldEdit
- setLobby: description: Sets the lobby area using WorldEdit
- setBlueSpawn: description: Sets the blue team's spawn
- setRedSpawn: description: Sets the red team's spawn
- setLobbySpawn: description: Sets where the players go when they type /join
- join: description: Joins the lobby
- leave: description: Leaves the lobby/game
- enable: description: Enables the arena setLoserSpawn: description: Sets where everyone is teleported when the match is over