

This plugin displays the scores from the pvp-stats-plugin in the Minecraft 1.5-Scoreboard. It is possible to show the top 5-scores or the own score or both.

Own score Top scores


You can change if and how long the top 5-scores and the own score will be displayed

# How long the own Score will be displayed, set to 0 to disable
displayOwnScore: 30
# How long the toplist will be displayed, set to 0 to disable
displayToplist: 30
# How many players will be displayed in the toplist
displayPlayersCount: 5
# what to display. possible options: [kills,deaths,score,streak,maxstreak]
displayOwnScoreOptions: [kills,deaths,score,streak,maxstreak]
# displayed toplists [score,kills,deaths,maxstreak]
displayedToplists: [score]
# hide pvpstats in worlds: [world1,world2]
hideInWorlds: []
# pvp-stats plugin
enablePvPStats: true
# internal stats
enableInternalPvPStats: true
# survival games 0.4.x/0.5.0
enableSurvivalGamesStats: true

Permissions & Commands

There are no permissions or commands


  • Compatible with Craftbukkit version 1.5.1 R0.2 and newer
  • This plugin may conflict with other scoreboard plugins


  • Bukkit 1.5.1 R0.2 and newer

Optional Dependencies

Scoreboard API

This plugin now offers an API to other plugins. Look here for details.


The soucecode is included in the plugin jar.