




  • /qminez spawn - Spawning on map and starting session on MineZ.
  • /qminez leave - After a 10 seconds cooldown, leaving the map.
  • /qminez setspawnpoint - Sets a spawnpoint for a map spawning
  • /qminez deletespawnpoint [id] - Removing a spawnpoint
  • /qminez spawnpointlist - Spawnpoint list
  • /qminez confirmchest - Confirming a ready chest.



  • Player Level - Represents a thirst level.
  • Player XP - Represents a "zombie visibility", if low - harder to see by zombie.
  • Bandage (a paper with a name) - You can stop the bleeding with it. Very useful.
  • Communicator (green record with a name) - You can communicate with all players (with holding it and chatting) or leave the game by clicking right button. Without holding it, your messages have 15 blocks range (or diffrent, everything is in configuration file)


zombie Zombies, they're definitely better.

  • They are going with hordes, when one zombie targeting us - every zombie in 50x50x50 target us too.
  • They are faster, stronger and more intelligent.
  • They sometimes (percentage) can't see you when you're on lower "visibility level".
  • They are fully configurable in config file.

player zombie

Player zombies.

  • They are spawning when a player die.
  • Spawning with player armor and best sword in inventory.
  • They have a effect bonuses.
  • After killing him, he drops every item of player.
  • They have a "glowing" effect added in Minecraft 1.9!

sick Epidemies, every player on map has 25% (configurable) to be ill.

  • No antibiotics - harder to avoid.
  • Epidemy has calm effects like weakness and slow.

bleeding Bleeding, dangerous type of event.

  • When a zombie hits you, you have a chance to get bleeding.
  • Bleeding hurts you slowly
  • Blindness, slowness, weakness and confusion effects.
  • Fight during a bleeding is impossible.

blood Blood.

  • Adding more realism

chest Loot chests.

How to use them?

  1. Put a chest on the floor.
  2. Put every item you want in a chest.
  3. Write /qminez confirmchest looking on it.
  4. Nice! Items in chest will be restored after some time.


messages And lot of configuration! :D

Thanks for download and supporting me.