




Always wanted to get working streetlights in your server? Now you can! Pick the lights you want to light up at night and presto! They will light up when it rains or when it's night.

By default the blocks will be Redstonelamp (offstate) at day and Redstonelamp (onstate) at night. The time they will be on is from 13000 till 0. These can all be changed in the config.yml To add multiple set of items to switch from just add a new line with two materials. (Please note that you shoudln't use duplicate materials)


Easy'ly but the .JAR File you've downloadet into your Plugins folder.


  • qStreetLights.* [OP Permission - Let you do all!!1!1!11!!]
  • qStreetLights.Admin [Admin Permission - Let you create and Remove]
  • qStreetLights.Create [Admin Permission - Let you create a Light]
  • qStreetLights.Remove [Admin Permission - Let you remove a Light]
  • qStreetLights.Clear [Admin Permission - Let you remove ALL Lights]
  • qStreetLights.Reload [Admin Permission - Let you reload the Plugin]
  • qStreetLights.Info [Player Permission - Let you see Informations about this Light]
  • qStreetLights.List [Mod Permission - Let you list all Lights]
  • qStreetLights.Save [Mod Permission - Let you save the Lights]

How To Use

Type /sl create in the Chat and rightclick a Redstone lamp. If you selectet your Redstone Lamps, retype /sl create. Now you have to setup the time in the config.yml. 13000 is standard, also if you want that the lights turn on at 13000 ticks, then easy'ly let it.

Updated Plugin

Me (noah on YouTube - Minecraft Name: MoLLcHH) updated the StreetLights Plugin. The Original is here. Have fun while playing.