

Zero configuration, easy to use cuboid based operations. Copy/paste and fill.


If you don't have something like WorldEdit and you just want a quick, easy way to do cuboid related things, this is the plugin you're looking for! I like lightweight plugins that offer exactly what I need and nothing else. Unable to find a good solution, I made my own plugin. QuickCuboid offers a few different "modes" so you can fill cuboids with any material you can place and copy, rotate, and paste cuboid areas.

If you don't know what a cuboid is, it's an imaginary cube containing blocks in the game. You know how you can select text MS Word by clicking in one place, holding shift, and clicking somewhere else? Well, it's the same idea with this plugin. Instead of selecting text, you're selecting blocks. Also, there's is no highlighting. Sorry. We'd have to mod your client to do that.

Use a blaze rod to select the corners of cuboids and mark locations.

As always, I'm open to any and all suggestions! :D


  • All commands are typed before selecting a cuboid or marking a location.
    • Operations happen as soon as you finish selecting or marking.
    • Modes are persistent. If you start selecting again, the plugin assumes you want to do the same thing again.
  • Undo/Redo (one level of history)
  • Clipboard
    • Copy/Paste
    • Rotate 90° clockwise


You must be holding a blaze rod and have permission to use the plugin. Make your selections by right clicking blocks.

Full Selection This is needed for most operations. In fact, the only mode that doesn't require a full selection is "paste." To make a full selection, imagine the cuboid in your world. Right-click a block in one of the corners with a blaze rod. Then right-click the block in the complete opposite corner. There, you've selected a cuboid and QuickCuboid will immediately do it's magic! If you accidentally start a selection, you can type /cuboid cancel to cancel the selection.

Partial Selection / Location Marking Right now, "paste" is the only mode that needs a single location. It's easy to do. Just right-click one block with a blaze rod. Read on to find out which block you need to select.


  • Change Mode
    • /cuboid fill - Change to fill mode (default)
    • /cuboid copy - Change to copy mode
    • /cuboid paste - Change to paste mode
    • /cuboid off - Turn off QuickCuboid
  • Clipboard Modification
    • /cuboid rotate - Rotate clipboard 90 degrees CW
  • History
    • /cuboid undo - Undo the last cuboid operation
    • /cuboid redo - Redo the last cuboid operation
  • Other
    • /cuboid cancel - Cancel a selection that you started
    • /cuboid mode - See which mode you're in


This requires a full selection. After you select the second block, QuickCuboid will look at the first block and fill the cuboid with that material. Pro tip: if you break the first block before selecting the second block, the plugin will fill the cuboid with air (because the first block would contain air).

This requires a full selection. As soon as you select the second block, the cuboid will be copied to your clipboard. Important: The first block you selected is important. Remember it's relationship the rest of the contents of the cuboid. This block is the "reference block." Think of it as the handle that you grab the cuboid by. Read about the "paste" mode to see what I mean.

This only requires a partial selection. The block that you select will be replaced with the "reference block" (imaginary handle) of the cuboid in your clipboard. This may seem completely confusing at first, but just try it out a few times. It's pretty simple.

I'm not sure this needs to be explained. With cuboid turned off, QuickCuboid will ignore any thing you click with a blaze rod.

Clipboard Modifications

This will rotate the cuboid in your clipboard clockwise by 90 degrees. This requires no selections, and it doesn't do anything to the world. You won't actually see the effect until you paste.


There is only one level of history. This means you can only undo once in a row, and you can only redo once in a row. This feature is a lifesaver. I have accidentally filled my house with workbenches and nearly screamed in terror. But a simple /cuboid undo makes life happy again.


It may be a little concerning if you accidentally select a block. This command will cancel a selection that you have started. Of course this is only applicable if your current mode requires a full selection. If the mode only requires a partial selection, you can still use /cuboid undo to reverse the damage that you may have caused.

If you forgot, use this command to see what mode you're in. Simple!


There is only one config option: debug. Set it to true to see all kinds of information in the console. It may help you figure out why QuickCuboid isn't working for you.
There are explanations in the file for each option, but here's an overview:


  • quickcuboid.use - Players who can use the plugin

Version Stuff:


  • Allow copy/paste across worlds
    • and of course we need a perms node for this

As always, I'm open to any and all suggestions! :D

Latest Release

  • None uploaded yet

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