Hi, I'm HeXeRei452, the new manager of QuickTools, I'm planning on adding in features that you, the community, want to see as well as things that I feel is useful. If you're asking why there isn't any new files, the reason is I am currently in the process in modifying the plugin to the way that I like to develop things, this takes a long time due to the size of the project!
54 commands and still counting
- Lots of useful server commands for any type of server
- Compatible with the new permissions bridge
- Separate player configuration files
- Lightweight, good for smaller servers
- Option to turn QuickTools commands on or off in the config
- Configurable /say and /announce prefixes
- Configurable amount of homes that can be set for normal users
Looking for a list of the Commands and their Permissions?
Check out the wiki page here: Click Here
Installing the plugin on your server
- Simply put the QuickTools.jar into your plugins folder and start or reload the server
How to use the QuickToolsConverter
To Do list
- Nothing at the moment! :O
Source Code
Information about QuickTools' source code can be found here: Click Here
Other Info
Development Builds
Quote:Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk. Click Here
- Donation: If you really feel led to donate then this link is for you donate
Testing Servers
If you have are using the QuickTools plugin on your server an would like to be listed here, please send TheEntropy(Author) a message with your server info.