



What does this plugin do?

A chat quiz to promote players.

You can define some questions and answers. They will be displayed in random order to the respondent when he enters the keyword (configurable) into the chat. When the respondent answers all questions correctly he gets promoted to a defined group.

Proposals, Features and Enhancements

When i have some free time i will create a new QuizPromote version. You can influence and contribute to the new version by creating an issue at bitbucket(You can do this anonymuously. No need to register or such stuff).

Describe precisely your idea. Examples on the functions you would like would be nice, too. i.e. "Generally it should do..." "When the User does X then Y should happen" "Function Z is only available for members/ Admins... " "I want that function X is configurable in config file" etc. The more you write the better i can understand what you want the plugin to do and the better the result ;)

Support this plugin

If you want to support me in developing this plugin and new features consider a paypal donation http://imageshack.us/a/img16/6863/mikurudonateanime153481.jpg such that i can put more time into this project or clone the project on bitbucket to fix bugs or implement new features.

You could also create a video tutorial for this plugin and post the link here.

Also you can help to translate QuizPromote to other languages. Further instructions for translation are given in multi language support.


Tekkit Users

Tekkit 3.1.3 still uses Craftbukkit 1.2.5. so install Quizpromote for 1.2.5.

Version Info

Quizpromote for Craftbukkit 1.2.5 should also work for higher versions. Quizpromote for Craftbukkit >=1.3 doesn't work with Craftbukkit <=1.2.5. Quizpromote for Craftbukkit >=1.3 is better in a performance point of view so if you use the newer craftbukkit >=1.3 use Quizpromote for Craftbukkit >=1.3.

This plugin currently works with PermissionsEx.

  1. Copy Quizpromote.jar into your servers plugins/ folder.
  2. make shure PermissionsEx is installed(PermissionsEx.jar is available in the plugins/ folder)

How to configure it?

The configuration is done in plugins/QuizPromote/quizConfig.yml.

There you define your questions and answers as well as some more config stuff. Currently only PermissionsEx is supported. Other permission systems will get implemented soon. If you want to disable banning just set:

banDuration: 1 ms

To disable maximum question time set maxTime to a high time.

maxTime: 1 y

Quizconfig.yml looks like this:

 # put in your questions here. correct answers are signed with a +.
  world: world
  #howmany questions should be asked from the questions given here
  questionCount: 4
    - "is griefing allowed?":
        - yes
        - no
        - + only under special circumstances
    # if you want to give pure number answers add some "" around them.
    - "how much silver does every user own at the beginning?":
        - "1.000"
        - "2.500"
        - "30"
        - "+ 500"
    - "What is the name of the server owner?":
        - Neutrum_
        - + Tüffel
        - Gorgi88
        - Daxius87
        - powerpandi
    - "May you farm where ever you want?":
        - + only in the mining world
        - only when it does not bother anyone
        - only at my place
        - i may farm wherever i want

banDuration: 450 milliseconds 1 m
maxTime: 1000 ms 10 y 4 Seconds
startCommand: go
# allowed Time Values:
# millisecond  second  minute  hour   day      week  month  year
# Milliseconds seconds minutes hours  days    weeks months years
#     ms          s       m       h    d t      w     mo     y
#     Ms          S       M       H    D T      W     Mo     Y

# if you want to configure the groups a player 
# gets promoted to on a *global* base:
   pex: [ Admins ]

# if you want to configure the groups a player
# gets promoted to on a *per world* base:
#  -
#   world: world
#   successGroup:
#      pex:    [Member, Admins]
#      groupmanager:
#      permissionsBukkit:
#      bPermissions:
#  -
#   world: hardcoreworld
#   successGroup:
#      pex:    Admin
#      groupmanager:
#      permissionsBukkit:
#      bPermissions:

Minecraft Port Central

MCPC has a strange class loader system. Thats why we need to do some modifications:

  1. Extract the scala_version.jar file(it is actually a zip file).
  2. extract the QuizPromote_version.jar file
  3. copy the scala_version/scala/ folder to the extracted QuizPromote_version/ folder
  4. zip the QuizPromote_version/ folder as QuizPromote_version.jar . The zip file must contain directly the contents of the QuizPromote_version/ folder. if you get org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidDescriptionException: Invalid plugin.yml the content of the zipfile is the QuizPromote_version/ folder and not directly the QuizPromote_version/ folders contents. Easy way to zip in linux/mac os:
    cd QuizPromote_version/
    zip -r ../QuizPromote_version.jar ./
  5. copy the new QuizPromote_version.jar to the plugins/ folder.
  6. start the server

how to run it?

just start the server, login and enter the keyword 'go' (adjustable in config 'startCommand: go') into the chat. Press enter.

Bugs & Suggestions

Post bugs and suggestions on bitbucket repo in "issues" https://bitbucket.org/mnyx/quizpromote or just post them here.


Post your questions here as comment.

Multi Language Support

All messages in the plugin can be edited and translated into other languages. Till now english and german are supported. By default a file called strings.yml is used. If this is not found strings_EN_US.yml is used. So to change the language rename your favourite language file to strings.yml.

If you want to support QuizPromote send me your translated strings.yml files or clone the project on bitbucket and add them there.


if you get an error message like:

Could not pass event AsyncPlayerChatEvent to QuizPromote v1.2 org.bukkit.event.EventException at 
net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.NetworkReaderThread.run(SourceFile:93) Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: Firstspawn at 

something in your quizconfig.yml is messed up. Check that file again if there is a typo or something. Especially *key not found: xy* gives you a hint where the error is.

if you get an error message like:

 ClassNotFoundException: scala.ScalaObject

there is a problem with the class loader. Either the scala jar file in QuizPromote/ is missing or the classloader doesnt find it.

  1. delete QuizPromote/ folder and restart server. if that doesnt help try to:
  2. follow the steps in Minecraft Port Central