This plugin is still in beta / testing phase , but currently shows no issues
RainAway is a very small and simple plugin made to allow a server admin to determine how may times a rain / thunder cycle should be skipped
This plugin will cancel any rain , thunder , or blizzard events until the maximum amount have been skipped (set by user) then allowing the next event to trigger and restarting the count.
Configuring RainAway
RainAway's only user configurable setting is the maximum times to skip rain
This is represented in the config.yml file as , maxrain and will default to 2 times
RainAway Commands
/ratoggle - will toggle the plugins function on and off
/rastats - will show the current plugin stats. Indicating the max time to skip, current times rain has been skipped, and if the plugin is on or off
RainAway Permissions
Allows user to see plugin stats
default: All players
Allows user to toggle plugin functions on and off
default: op
Change Log
Updated for Minecraft 1.10
Changed priority from Highest to Normal
Removed un-needed includes and variables
Resolved issue where command permissions were not properly set
Resolved issue with /rastats command that was outputting "/rastats" after the command was issued
First public release