



Why Rainsistance?

The incessant hiss of rain in a server hub or minigame worlds will annoy anyone, however rain isn't all bad; survival gameplay can benefit greatly from the presence of weather. That's where Rainsistance comes in: Using one simple command, you can forever banish cloudy skies from certain worlds, while retaining weather mechanics in others.

Rainsistance Features

Rainsistance blocks weather in the worlds you specify


/rain <off/on> [world name or "all"] : Disable or enable weather for a given world, or all worlds

/rain reload : Reloads the Rainsistance configuration file

/rain list : Lists all worlds with rain disabled


rain.on : Use /rain on [<world name> or "all"]

rain.off : Use /rain off [<world name> or "all"]

rain.toggle : Same as adding rain.on and rain.off

rain.reload : Use /rain reload

rain.list : Use /rain list


##Config-Version - Just leave it##
config-version: '1.0'
##Worlds in which rain is blocked:##
- n3wb1e5_p1ox_he3r
- $w1gg3ty_$w0oty_i_$t0ld_ur_bo0ty
- m0d3r4t3rs_h33r_pl0x

Version History

v. 1.0.1 (Most Recent):

+ Added a list command

+ Added a rain.toggle permission for simplicity

- Fixed general buggyness

v. 1.0.0:

+ Added a reload command

+ Fixed massive config handling bug

v. 0.5.0:

+ Added an "all" feature to affect all worlds

- Confirmed compatibility with 1.7.2-1.7.10

v. 0.1.0:

- Initial Release

This plugin was based on a plugin request by little_dude187