RAM - A Lightweight Memory Checking Utility
RAM was created by mikeyg6754. The server was crashing daily due to the infamous “Java out of Memory” error. In order to find and stop this memory leak, a plugin was needed to check how much RAM (or Memory) was being used on command. Yes, there are other plugins that have this feature, but it is packaged up with a ton of unwanted functions that could bog your server down even more. Then RAM was created, a lightweight plugin with only one purpose. Of course, you could just have the plugin installed on your server for the convenience. You don’t need to wait for something to go wrong on your server to install this. This makes for a great administration tool, to make sure your current plugins are not taking up too much RAM.
Feature Summary
- Check The Amount of RAM That Your Server is Using
- Check From the Console
- Check From In Game
Installation & Setup
Just download the RAM.jar and place it in your plugins directory. That’s it, no configuration files, no extra folders created!
/ram – This command works both in game and from the console. It will show Total Memory, Used Memory, and Free Memory in MB
/mem - This is an alias to the /ram command
/ram - ram.command - Defaults to OP (tested with permissionsEX)
Want to use the function in a server mod of your own? Feel free to use the source. It is packaged with every release inside the jar. Just open the JAR with a program like WinRAR and extract the source folder.