RandomCoordinates, The best random teleporter. Within this plugin I have support for most land protection plugins, Meaning you can configure if you want a player to teleport to them, or ignore them. Furthermore, the configuration has so many custom options to make this the best for you.
Continue reading this page and the wiki to find out more about the excellent features.
The main feature of this plugin, is to teleport a player to a random location. This location is chosen, and then the necessary checks are carried out to see if the location is safe. The method for gathering a random number in Java may not necessarily be "Truly Random" (Explanation), This is why in my plugin, I have added the ability to use Random.Org to generate a random coordinate!
Features relating to the random teleport function are as follows:
Ability to set a global Maximum coordinate and Minimum coordinate, As well as per each world.
Ability to blacklist worlds
Ability to set the centre of the Max, Min boundary.
Ability to disable teleporting into/within a radius of claimed land (See Below for Plugin Support)
Ability to set a Limit on a number of times they can Randomly Teleport
Ability to teleport players on their FIRST join, plus ability to force a command when done (e.g., /SetHome)
Give a player a bonus chest on their first join
Ability to set cooldown on the command
Ability to configure the time between running the command, and teleporting
Ability to stop them teleporting if they move, or if they are involved in combat
Ability to allow players a set invulnerable time when teleported
Ability to play sound and effect to the player on teleport
Ability to configure the price of the command
Teleporting to a random location could be dangerous, there could be lava etc. This is why in this plugin, you can only teleport if the location is free of such things!. It also won't teleport you into water, because who wants to be out in the ocean! In the event there is something there that could hurt you, You could always make the Invulnerable time longer! Not only this but many claim that on slow servers, there is a chance you may teleport in a wall, With this plugin, If suffocating in the wall after teleport, you'll be taken to the surface!
Not only does it check for environment damage, but you can also make it avoid claims such as:
WorldBorder plugin
Vanilla World Border
Nearby Players
As well as the above safety checks, The blocks that you can not teleport to are configurable. This is ideal for custom maps etc. This blacklist is as simple as a file in the plugin folder with a list of blocks to not teleport to.
For the best usage, be sure to load parts of the world first. This blacklist also works side by side with the above safety checks.
This plugin is not just a command, You can also set up random teleport portals. These portals teleport players in the same way the command would when they enter, But they also allow you to teleport them in another world randomly. These are incredibly easy to set up and no longer needs WorldEdit to do so!
Alongside these features, you can also:
Apply the limiter to portals
Charge players for portals
Place nether portal blocks inside of the portal, as well as flowing water/lava without it spreading outwards
Portals to teleport to other worlds
Ability to set a custom maximum and minimum coordinate for each portal
Easy to create and delete
Alongside teleporting to random coordinates, you can also allow them to be teleported to a random warp, a preset location. This enables you to have warps in the world, but it is random as to which one they go to.
Alongside these features, you can also:
Disable warping cross world, Will only warp to ones in current world
Charge for using the warps
Use a command just for warps
Limit the usage of warps
Change the methods of Signs, Portals and Commands to only go to the warps
Alongside the commands, You can also set up Signs to do the same thing when clicked on. These signs can allow you to set the world they randomly teleport the player in, as well as a per sign price.
Alongside these features, you can also:
Limit the usage of signs
Stop signs being broken by non-admins
Change signs method to only go to random warps (See Warps above)
This feature directly relates to the OnJoin feature. This is where the player will teleport to a random location on their first join. Alongside this, I have added an ability to spawn a chest next to them, with various configurable items. If you are using essentials, you can set a kit to be in that chest. Lastly, the chest will only spawn once, on the first join.
What Does This Do?
Put simply; It will spawn a block (configurable) below the player, ensuring that they won't fall into the void.
This is useful for those who use custom world generators, as my plugin will think that there is a block there, but upon teleporting the custom, the generator will take over and remove said block.
Along with this, The worlds this works in can be customised. Furthermore, there is an auto-remove feature meaning that when the player is no longer on the block, it will disappear (2.5 blocks away to be more precise).
As well as being able to stop them teleporting into regions, This plugin also allows you to randomly teleport them within a region. This can be useful for PVP arenas etc.
Alongside this feature:
- Command to teleport yourself randomly within a region
- Command to teleport others within a region
- Per-region permissions allowing for control over where players go
Longer Feature List: