Are you bored of the normal Minecraft?
Have you already killed the Enderdragon?
Is normal to normal for you?
Do you like crazy creations?
This plugin can solve all your problems and more! It provides a new way of building. You cant build what you want in RandomInventory. You have to build something out of a random generated inventory, which refills itself everytime you run out of stuff. Every player gets equiped with a DiamondPickaxe, entchanted to be as usefull as hell! Along with his pickaxe he gets 8 randomly generated ItemStacks - ready to be placed.
Configure what items the player can get via the values.txt file in the RandomInventory folder
Configure how many items they can get max (because nobody wants a stack of shrooms...)
Configure the delay between manualy inventory refreshes to allow players to get new items if there current inventory sucks (shrooms for example)
This plugin supports Multiworld!! Make a RandomInventory world to let all the stupidity happen far away from your survival worlds
Do you like this plugin? Feel free to help further the plugin and support my development! I will also put your server ip on here as a way of saying thank you!