1.9 Update
I haven't done much with this plugin for a really long time, but as it is more or less no longer working for 1.9 I decided that it was probably time for an update. Though with studies and three other jobs, finding time for this projects isn't going to be easy. I have also decided to do a full recode of the project and planing on making it open source, allowing others to help update and implement new features in the future. Please stay tuned for more information regarding updates.
What's RandomLocation
RandomLocation lets you teleport to random location in preset areas. This can be done by command, signs or custom portals. You can also configure it to teleport people that join for the first time to a random location for getting a better start where there ain't others.
- Spawn players in a random location in a preset area
- Easy to use, no configuration needed
- In-game reload
- Full permissions, but not needed
- Teleports through signs
- Teleports through custom portals
- Light Weight
- Cooldown
- Multi-World support
- Choose from spawning in the air with god mode or safely on the ground
- Highly configurable
- Plenty of spawn settings that fits every server from survival or skygrid to urban servers
- Teleport on first join support
- Plenty of settings to edit per zone
- Ability for custom permissions per zone
- Advanced zone options that are easy to configure
- Edit zone options in game
- Take regular updates with custom intervals of the config files
- Command to fit zones to WorldBorder settings
Supported Plugins
RandomLocation will hook into the supported and provide a better location and prevent players from being teleported into protected areas All hooks can be disabled in the config file
- Faction support
- Towny support
- WorldBorder support
- WorldGuard
- Vault (Economy)
Spawning Conditions
You have some config options for how players shall spawn. This is changed under the zone mode You can choose "Ground", "Air" or "Top".
For all the above options except for "air" players will not spawn on or in:
- Lava
- Water
- Fire
- Cactus
- Cobweb
- Normal Portal
- End Portal
- And more
Players will neither spawn in mid air or in solid blocks.
I haven't gotten the time to make a tutorial myself, but if any one else wants to make one then I'll be very great full
Thanks to LegendSmile for providing at least a german tutorial:
If you have any questions just ask, BUT before you ask read:
If you have a problem at all then the first thing you should do is see if there is an update, if you got to the latest update then you can also read about all previous updates, and one of the might contain something fixing your issue. This is one of the most common request I get, as people report bugs that are old and fixed. The plugin also contains an auto updater, announcing when a new update is found. When reporting a problem, do also state your plugin version.
If you have problems with the plugin displaying "Cant find a location to teleport to" then post a comment with the following info:
- A screen shot of the result you get from "/rLoc option <ZoneName> info"
- A description of what type of condition the zone is if (does it have a roof, what is the most common ground block, what world is it in, etc.)
- The coordinates (do not have to be precise for bigger zones, can be "400,110,1000", meaning ca x ≈ 400, y ≈ 110... (for both pos1 & pos2)
If you are having lag problems then there is often two reasons. One is that players are teleported to chunks which haven't been loaded before, and therefor the server needs to generate the chunks while it is teleporting the player. To fix this you could try and use WorldBorder which got a fill feature to generate the chunks within a world border.
Another reason for lag might be that you server doesn't got much resources to disposal. Meaning either your server is over loaded or that you don't got a very strong cpu. To reduce the lag created by the plugin, check out the "Performance" section in the config page above. Look into the settings and adjust them to your needs.
Auto Updater
The plugin has its own plugin updater, which checks wether there is an update available or not. The updater will not download anything, only notify console and admins. To disable this and prevent the plugin from using any network access click on this: Config Setup and scroll down to the Auto Updater settings a bit down on the page
As of version 4.69 Beta, this plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true
The plugin also got an auto updater, which will check for the latest version and download or only notify if it finds a method. If you want to disable this, go into the config.yml and set "Updater.Enable" to false
To report a bug just leave a comment describing you bug, also if you got any errors in the log please provide them to with a web site like pastebin. Also provide the current MC version, RL version and other information that might be of interest like if you are running a custom build like spigot.
- None
Todo - Priority
- Add messages file for editing the messages displayed by RandomLocation - Low
- Clean up commands & text - Low
- Add option for radius check in search of protected areas when spawning, e.g. not spawning to near Faction land and so on - Medium
- Add range option for nearest player - Medium
- Add more options to the AIR mode (height and so on) - Medium
- Add more perms (cooldown bypass etc) - Medium
- Allow multiple destination zones for portals (maybe commands too) - Medium
- Custom cooldowns per portal (maybe per destination zone instead, custom cmd, sign and portal cooldown) - Medium
Feeling generous?
You can also check out my youtube channel here.