Random Location Teleporter

Random Location Teleporter


Random Location Teleporter is a simple plugin that does exactly what the name implies. When a player performs the plugins main command they are teleported to a random location!


== Commands ==

  • /rlt help: Lists commands below
  • /rlt go: Teleports player to a random location
  • /rlt unstuck: Gets player unstuck upon occasional glitch
  • /rlt back: teleports player back to location before they did /rlt go

There is also still /randomlocation which just directs user to /rlt

== Permissions ==

  • RandomLocationTeleporter.rlt: allows /rlt go, /rlt help, and /rlt unstuck
  • RandomLocationTeleporter.back: allows /rlt back
  • RandomLocationTeleporter.signcreate: allows player to create RLT signs

== Planned Features ==

  • Multi-World Support
  • Button Support
  • Automatic /rlt unstuck

== Sign Setup ==

  • Give player permission RandomLocationTeleporter.signcreate
  • Place a sign with [RLT] on the second line and the sign will change into this. Sign
  • Right click on sign to teleport to random location (Make sure sign is protected)

== Configuration ==

cooldown: 30
  maxX: 250000
  maxY: 250000
  minX: -250000
  minY: -250000
  one: ocean
  two: deep_ocean
  three: nothing
  four: nothing
  five: nothing
  six: nothing
  seven: nothing
  • The cooldown is how long a player has to wait before they can teleport again
  • Excluded biomes are biomes that the player will not be teleported to when command is given
  • For example: If excluded biome one is ocean (default), then the player will not be teleported to ocean
  • If you would like to change an excluded biome back to nothing then type nothing
  • Here is a list of valid biomes
  • Limits are the maximum and minimum values that x and y will come out as
  • For example: If the maximum x value is 250,000 (default), then the player will not be teleported any farther on the x-axis than 250,000

If you accidentally mess up the config just delete it and reload your server


  • Here is a wonderful spanish tutorial made by FeerBreezy
  • I dont have any videos in English but if somebody could make one that would be great!

Why Choose Random Location Teleporter over other random teleportation plugins?

Random Location Teleporter is simple and easy to use and you don't have to sacrifice features for simplicity!