Originally requested by Reptar_ (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/completed-random-tp.88514/)
RandomTP is a plugin that allows random teleports within user-defined categories. RandomTP supports multi-world and pre-loads chunks to stop players from falling into the void. The plugin is very minimalistic and only outputs messages when necessary. The plugin supports permissions and a number of advanced settings.
Command | Usage | Description | Permission |
/rtp | /rtp <category> | Teleports you to a random spot in the category | rtp.teleport |
/rtp jump | /rtp jump or nojump | Disables or enables the 'jump effect' | rtp.settings |
/rtp set | /rtp set <category> <warp name> | Adds or modifies a warp in a category | rtp.set |
/rtp indirect | /rtp indirect <category> <player> | Teleports a player randomly in a category. Good for command blocks etc | rtp.indirect |
/rtp list | /rtp list <category or #cat> | Lists warps in a category or all categories (with #cat) | rtp.list |
/rtp del | /rtp del <category> <warp or #all> | Deletes a warp from the category or the entire category (with #all) | rtp.del |
Provided in the JAR file as .java files. No GitHub repo at present.