RankPrefix+ is a powerful Chat/Rank/Scoreboard Manager which
allows you to make your Chat a bit more fancy and also apply the
Prefix and Suffix of the Ranks on your Server to your Player's
TAB-List and NameTag.
But since the Plugin is that big and advanced, its Config may seem
a bit complicated, but dont worry! There is a documentation on this
Page a bit further down.
Oh, and it also allows your Players to use Color codes with &
in the Chat.
Using a Permissions Plugin and want to use the existing Groups from your Permissions Plugin? Here is an Example Config which is configured to simply use your existing Groups. But keep in mind that this Config requires Vault to work!
Command | Permission | Description |
/rpreload | RankPrefixPlus.reload | Allows you to reload the Config |
RankPrefixPlus.chatcolors | Allows you to use Color Codes in Chat |
options: auto-update: true ## Whether this Plugin should auto update use-scoreboard-teams: true ## Enable this to make the set Prefix appear in the TAB-List and above Player's names update-delay-in-seconds: 5 ## How frequent it will update the Scoreboard. variables: afk: afk: '&eAFK' ## This will replace {AFK} if the Player is AFK not-afk: '' ## This will replace {AFK} if the Player is not AFK notifications: name-in-chat: highlight: true ## Whether it should highlight mentioned Players (example: @Moewe1) sound: enabled: true ## Whether it should play a sound to the mentioned Player sound: NOTE_PLING ## Choose which sound to play chat: layout: '&7{PREFIX}{PLAYER}{SUFFIX}: {MESSAGE}' ## The Layout in the Chat. Check the Variables section for all Variables you can use. per-rank-layout: false ## Specify whether the individual Layout for Ranks will be used use-layout: true ## Whether it should use this Layout. force-lower-case: false ## Whether it should force the Message to be lower Case (Preventing CAPS) world-specific-layout: enabled: false ## Whether it should use a different chat layout depending on the World you are in. world: '&7{PREFIX}{PLAYER}{SUFFIX}: {MESSAGE}' ## Chat Layout in world "world" world_nether: '&7{PREFIX}{PLAYER}{SUFFIX}: {MESSAGE}' ## Chat Layout in world "world_nether" world_the_end: '&7{PREFIX}{PLAYER}{SUFFIX}: {MESSAGE}' ## To add a Chat Layout to more Worlds simply add their Name in here along with the Format local: enabled: false ## Whether the local Chat should be enabled per-world: false ## Whether each World has its own Chat radius: -1 ## The radius in which you can talk. Set it to -1 for an unlimited Radius sound: enabled: true ## Whether it should play a sound to someone who sends a message sound: CLICK ## Choose which sound to play ranks: default: ## The ID of the rank prefix: '&7[&eMember&7] ' ## The Chat-Prefix suffix: '' ## The Chat-Suffix scoreboard: enabled: true ## Whether this rank uses the scoreboard. prefix: '&7' ## The Scoreboard-Prefix suffix: '' ## The Scoreboard-Suffix tab-priority: 1 ## The Priority of this Rank in the TAB List. (1-52) The lower the priority the further down Players with this Rank will appear in the TAB List required-permission: '' ## The Permission required for this Rank. Make it '' to require no permission. message-color: '&7' ## The color in which the Message will be displayed. bypass-OP: false ## Specify whether this Group will bypass OP meaning it wont be assigned to OPs unless they have the permission for this chat-layout: '&7{PREFIX}{PLAYER}{SUFFIX}: {MESSAGE}'Rank admin: prefix: '&7[&cAdmin&7] ' suffix: '' scoreboard: enabled: true prefix: '&c' suffix: '' tab-priority: 10 ## Since this Rank has a higher Priority it will appear closer to the top of the TAB List required-permission: 'RankPrefixPlus.admin' message-color: '&7' ## The color in which the Message will be displayed. bypass-OP: true chat-layout: '&7{PREFIX}{PLAYER}{SUFFIX}: {MESSAGE}' order: ## The order in which the ranks exist. - admin ## Make sure to arrange them like this: HIGHEST - LOWEST - default
Those Variables can be used in the Chat as well as in the Scoreboard Prefix/Suffix
Variable | Description | Required Plugins |
{PREFIX} | Will be replaced with the Players Group Prefix | None |
{SUFFIX} | Will be replaced with the Players Group Suffix | None |
{MESSAGE} | Will be replaced with the message the Player sent | None |
{PLAYER} | Will be replaced with the Players Username/Nickname | None |
{XPLEVEL} | Will be replaced with the Players XP-Level | None |
{KILLS} | Will be replaced with the Players Amount of killed Players | None |
{DEATHS} | Will be replaced with the Players Amount of Deaths | None |
{KDR} | Will be replaced with the Players Kill-Death-Ratio | None |
{MONEY} | Will be replaced with your Balance | Vault |
{FACTION} | Will be replaced with your Factions name | Factions, MCore |
{PRISONRANK} | Will be replaced with your current Rank in PrisonRankup | PrisonRankup |
{CHATTITLE} | Will be replaced with one of your Titles from ChatTitle | ChatTitle |
{RANK} | Will be replaced with the name of your current Permissions Group | Vault |
{RANK-PREFIX} | Will be replaced with the Prefix of your current Permissions Group | Vault |
{RANK-SUFFIX} | Will be replaced with the Suffix of your current Permissions Group | Vault |
{AFK} | Will be replaced with the AFK Status of a Player | Essentials |
{EZRANK} | Will be replaced with your current Rank according to EzRanksLite | EZRanksLite |
{EZPRESTIGE} | Will be replaced with your current Prestige Tag from EZPrestige | EZPrestige |
{TOWNY} | Will be replaced with the Tag of your Town | Towny |
{ISLAND-LEVEL} | Will be replaced with the Level of your Island | uSkyBlock |
{SLIMEFUN-TITLE} | Will be replaced with your Slimefun Title | Slimefun |
[unicode: <hexadecimal> | This will be replaced with the Unicode represented by the specified Hexadecimal. A full list of all supported Unicodes | None |
Feel free to suggest more Variables in the Comments.
Source Code
You want to take over this Project? Start so by submitting Pull Requests on GitHub!
Check out RankPrefix+'s Source Code, if you want to keep this Project alive, maybe even consider contributing to it by making a Pull Request!
Auto-Updater and Metrics
All my Plugins are using an Auto-Updater to make sure, you're always
using the latest and hopefully most bug free version of my Plugin.
If you don't want this Plugin to be auto-updated, you can turn it off
in the config file at "options -> auto-update: true/false"
They also use a Metrics-System which collects the following Informations:
A unique identifier
The server's version of Java
Whether the server is in offline or online mode
The plugin's version
The server's version
The OS version/name and architecture
The core count for the CPU
The number of players online
The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing
plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.