


RankSigns is a rank up plugin in which you can rank up or buy permission nodes via signs. It also uses economy to rank up or buy permissions. All you have to do is set up a simple RankSigns sign. This plugin requires Vault and a permissions and economy plugin that supports Vault. This plugin has many more features to add. If you have a suggestion, let me know. Thank you for downloading and enjoy the plugin.

New Version Released! (February 6, 2014)

  • Just an update to 1.7.2

Setting up a RankSigns sign:

Making the signs can be confusing. Please take a look at the image at the top right corner of the page if you are having problems.

  • Line 1: [RankSign] OR [PermSign] OR whatever you have specified in the config
  • Line 2: The Rank or Permission node that is being sold
  • Line 3: Price (This can also be set to free, or left blank if you set the currency to none)
  • Line 4: Unused, but maybe time?


  • currency: Can be set to none (allowing line 3 to be blank) or money
  • Shorter Permissions: With this feature in the config, you can have a permission node that doesn't fit on a sign renamed to something that will fit on the sign. An example is already available in the config. You can do as many as you want and even rename permissions that already do fit on the sign. With this feature, the permission in permsign.buyperm.[permission] will not be the shorter version, it will be the actual permission node. This new feature can be confusing, so if you need help I will be glad to help!
  • Sign Headers: Edit the first line which indicates a rank/perm sign


  • ranksign.buyrank: Gives permission to buy all permissions
  • ranksign.buyrank.[rank]: Gives permission to buy a rank from a RankSign
  • permsign.buyperm: Gives permission to buy all permissions
  • permsign.buyperm.[permission]: Gives permission to buy a perm from a PermSign
  • ranksign.create: Gives permission to create RankSigns
  • permsign.create: Gives permission to create PermSigns


  • /ranksigns: Shows version of plugin and what you can do based on your permissions.


JamsyBoy14 was able to make a tutorial video for this plugin. Be sure to thank him and subscribe! I hope this video can help you guys.