Re Spawn

Re Spawn


This plugin adds RPG respawn system.

Plugin has EssentialsX, WayShrines support. Does not fully support AuthMe right now.

When player gets lethal damage he turns into a ghost. Skeleton head will spawn on player's death location. Player can respawn on his death location or at world spawnpoint(also closest available wayshrine/essentials home). Respawn costs one respawn shard for respawning on death location(if enabled in config). Player can also be respawned by other player if the second players has at least one respawn shard.

Players can get shards by killing other players or killing mobs(configurable).


/respawn [<player>] - respawn or respawn another player

/shards [<player>] - get own shards amount or amount of player's shards

/fix [<player>] - make player visible/collidable e.t.c. if he encountered bug. Please send console error texts to me if something happened.


- respawn.admin


#Players need respawn shards to respawn on death location
respawn-shard: true
#Broadcast death message
broadcast-death: true
#Broadcast death message in radius
broadcast-in-radius: false
#Broadcast radius
broadcast-radius: 50
#Respawn later delay
later-respawn-seconds: 15
#Drop items on player death
drop-items-on-death: true
#Respawn delay when respawned by another player
another-player-respawn-delay: 0
#Send death message to player
send-death: true
#Gain respawn shards when kill another player
gain-shards-on-kill-player: true
#Chance of getting a shard by killing a player(%)
gain-shards-on-kill-players-chance: 50
#Amount of shards gained on kill
shards-on-kill-amount: 2
#Gain respawn shards when kill mob
gain-shards-on-kill-mobs: true
#Chance of getting a shard by killing a mob(%)
gain-shards-on-kill-mobs-chance: 2
#Amount of shards gained on kill
shards-on-kill-mob-amount: 1
#Keep experience after respawn
keep-exp: true
#Keep inventory after respawn
keep-inventory: true
#Enable option to respawn on death location
enable-here-respawn: true
#Enable option to respawn on death location with delay
enable-here-later-respawn: true
#Enable option to respawn at closest wayshrine
enable-wayshrines-respawn: true
#Enable option to respawn at world spawnpoint
enable-spawnpoint-respawn: true
#Enable option to respawn at essentials home
enable-essentials-home-respawn: true
#Materials for items in slots
here-material: 'STONE_SWORD'
here-later-material: 'WOODEN_SWORD'
spawnpoint-material: 'DIRT'
shard-material: 'AMETHYST_SHARD'
wayshrines-material: 'TORCH'
essentials-home-material: 'RED_BED'
#Names for items in slots
here-name: '&aRespawn here.'
here-later-name: '&aRespawn here in %value% seconds.'
spawnpoint-name: '&aRespawn at world spawnpoint.'
shard-name: '&aToggle respawn.'
wayshrines-name: '&aRespawn at closest shrine.'
essentials-home-name: '&aRespawn at home.'
#Name of armor stand
dead-player-name: '&7[DEAD] &d%name%'
#Give player respawn shards on first join(set to 0 to disable)
new-players-shards: 5
#TRUE and FALSE format
true: 'TRUE'
false: 'FALSE'


1) Download ReSpawn.jar

2) Put it to the plugins folder

3) Restart the server