Hi (I'm French, so sorry for my bad English)! Here is my first plugin, a really simple spawn plugin.
This project has for name "ReallySimpleSpawn" because others names are already taken !
It includes 3 commands:
- /spawn => To teleport yourself at spawn (permission :
- /setspawn => To set the spawn at your location (permission : spawn.set)
- /delspawn => To delete the spawn. (permission : spawn.delete)
You don't have to delete the spawn before seting a new one.
If the spawn isn't set and a player use /spawn, a message will be displayed in the chat.
All the messages are editable via the config.
If your config contains specials characters, be careful to save your config in UTF-8.
If you want to take a look to the config check the spoiler.
# Plugin made by Stik0u.
# /!\ FR : Faites attention de bien enregistrer la config en UTF-8.
# /!\ EN : Be careful to save the cofing in UTF-8.
# FR : Vous pouvez inclure des couleurs avec les codes couleur "&".
# EN : You can include colors with the color codes starting with "&".
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# spawn :
# FR : Le message quand un joueur fera /spawn.
# EN : The message when a player will use /spawn.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# setspawn :
# FR : Le message quand un admin fera /setspawn.
# EN : The message when a admin will use /setspawn.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# delspawn :
# FR : Le message quand un joueur fera /delspawn.
# EN : The message when a admin will use /delspawn.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# console-error-message :
# FR : Le message si la console fait /spawn ou /setspawn.
# EN : The message if the console use /spawn or /setspawn.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# spawn-not-set:
# FR : Le message si le spawn n'est pas défini.
# EN : The message if the spawn is not set.
spawn: '&aYou have been teleported to the spawn'
setspawn: '&6You have set the spawn'
delspawn: '&4You have delete the spawn'
console-error-message: '&cThis command is for players'
spawn-not-set: '&cThe spawn is not set yet'
Message from me:
If you discorver a bug or if you have a idea, write a comment !
(This is the first version of this plugin)