

RealPlugin - A little plugins developpement framework


Plugins developpement framework to make some common usefull things for plugins more easy :

  • built-in simple key=value configuration file manager (automatically linked to a PluginNameConfig class)
  • built-in localization engine is an easy way to make your plugin natively multi-lingual
  • very simple built-in economy plugin (but you should prefer using other specialized money management plugins) (undocumented)
  • built-in op-user / old Permissions plugin / new bukkit permissions plugin switcher
  • logs generator with plugin specialized log and debug mode (usefull for debugging), auto enable/disable message


You can update your plugins on-the-fly !

  • Use /rp dl RealPlugin to update RealPlugin
  • Use /rp dl RealShop2 to download / update RealShop2 (can be used with any other Real* plugin, list bellow)
  • When done, you should /reload your plugins (/stop is recommended to do this cleanly)

^ These work only with Real* plugins.

Plugins manager commands :

  • Use /rp list to list all plugins (disabled plugins are red)
  • Use /rp disable pluginname to disable a plugin
  • Use /rp enable pluginname to enable a plugin
  • Use /rp reload pluginname to reload a plugin (same as disable then enable)

^ These work with Real* plugins as well as all other plugins.

API Documentation

All of my "Real" plugins have their source on github. Think about looking at their source as an example of use of the RealPlugin API.

They use RealPlugin

Some of my own plugins need RealPlugin :

  • RealAdminTools : usefull benchmark / entities cleaner / other admin tools
  • RealJobs : manage jobs and make them bring bonuses to players
  • RealZone : one plugin to rule these zones / regions plugin all
  • RealShop2 : chest can be used as shops, as easy to use as chests !
  • RealStats : full statistics about your players actions
  • RealTeleporter : very simple and lightweight teleporter gates
  • RealViewDontTouch : a chest can be opened but nothing can be taken in it !