RealStats - Store stats about your players and server
This stores advanced statistics about players and the game, into simply formatted files.
You will use it for other plugins or your players statistics website page.
This plugin has been designed to be as fasten as possible, and to get acute information about what players are doing in the server : how many ie cutted trees, etc. into a single easy-to-read player.txt file
- You need RealPlugin to make this work !
- Download the RealStats.jar file (Files link)
- That's it !
Player stats
Each player has is stats file into plugins/RealStats/playername.txt.
Available statistics are :
- break : broken blocks count (one per block id)
- place : placed blocks count (one per block id)
- feed : feed creatures count (one per animal)
- mate : mate creatures count (one per animal)
Other plugins or external programs (a php website ?) can use these this data ie to display statistics, translate them in XP points for RPG plugins.
Counters lists
Blocks counters are for block#0;block#1;block#2;... It uses Minecraft data value as an index
Animals counters work the same, with arbitrary animals id :
- 0 : unknown (not in current list)
- 1 : chicken
- 2 : cow
- 3 : pig
- 4 : sheep
- 5 : wolf
- 6 : blaze
- 7 : cave spider
- 8 : creeper
- 9 : enderman
- 10 : ghast
- 11 : magma cube
- 12 : mushroom cow
- 13 : pig zombie
- 14 : silverfish
- 15 : skeleton
- 16 : slime
- 17 : spider
- 18 : squid
- 19 : zombie
- 20 : villager
- 21 : enderdragon
- 22 : player
- 23 : giant
- 24 : iron golem
- 25 : ocelot
- 26 : snowman
- 27 : enderdragon part
- 28 : witch
- 29 : bat
- 30 : wither
- 31 : wither skull
Plugins that use RealStats
- RealJobs : this will manage more than 30 jobs and associated achievements and bonus (currently on working stage)
Links and docs
- Source available on github : (fork at will)
More to come
Need more stats into your player / server file ? Tell me !