RealTeleporter - Teleportation gates
Please read CHANGELOG, TICKETS, ROADMAP AND ALL PAGES THERE before you tell me bugs or ask me new features please : it may be already here ! This is a very simple-to-use teleportation gates system, that permit to freely create and link teleportation gates.Features
- Create/delete/link/loop teleportation gates using commands like EpicGates or WarpGates
- This plugin was made as EpicGates 0.3 and old unmaintained WarpGate plugins have some bugs that are not quickly removed
- Teleporters are created on a single block. If you want dual-or-more-blocks téléporters to work, you will need to create several teleporters
- Work with thousands teleporters without making your server lag
How users do use it
- Build your gate first. It can have any form, but you should consider make it look like a teleportation gate
- Place yourself at the location and direction the player will come here when teleported (and will be teleported from)
- Type this command : /rtel create nameofthegate (replace nameofthegate with an unique gate identifier)
- Create the destination gate, the same way (we will call it nameofthegate2)
- Then link the two gates : /rtel link nameofthegate nameofthegate2 and then for players to come back /rtel link nameofthegate2 nameofthegate
- Or, more quickly, "loop" the two gates with only one command like this : /rtel loop nameofthegate nameofthegate2
- Then place yourself into the gate place to be teleported to the other gate, to check that everything is ok
Download, install and documentation links
- Download latest RealPlugin.jar release file for new installation or / update (RealPlugin project link)
- Download latest release file for new installation or / update
- Old versions Jar files
- Wiki documentation : now here at
- Source are on Github, you can fork it at wish, this is public domain
All commands
- /rtel create <gate1> to create a gate where the player is
- /rtel remove <gate1> to remove a gate where the player is
- /rtel link <gate1> <gate2> to link gate1 to gate2
- /rtel help to list all available commands
- /rtel loop <gate1> <gate2> to link gate1 to gate2 and gate2 to gate1
- /rtel unlink <gate1> to unlink gate1 to its target gate
- /rtel unloop <gate1> to unlink gate1 to its target gate and all gates to gate1
- /rtel list to list all available gates
- /rtel orphan to list all gates that have no source nor target
- /rtel tp <gate> to manually teleport to a given gate
- /rtel trans <gate> to manually make a translation teleport from gate to its target
- /rtel withouttarget to list all gates that have no target
- /rtel withoutsource to list all gates that have no source
- /rtel nearest to list nearest gates from you
Only if permissionPlugin is "bukkit" into your config.txt :- realteleporter.teleport : player can teleport (teleportation gates wont work without this permission!)
- realteleporter.teleport.showgatename : display gate name when teleport
Each command has it's permission : realteleporter.create, realteleporter.remove,,, realteleporter.loop, realteleporter.unlink, realteleporter.unloop, realteleporter.list, realteleporter.orphan, realteleporter.withouttarget, realteleporter.withoutsource, realteleporter.nearest,, realteleporter.trans
Known issues
- Tell me using the Tickets system
New version : now works with permissions, and translation files ! Open config.txt and change options to get them. You should look at the changelog linked to the last download file.Road Map - TODO
- Keep this simple, easy and working
- Perhaps someday detect the block id under the player, and create the gate as large as the number of blocks with the same id (create 2-4-n-blocks gate)