



Spigot support 1.10.2!!!

This plugin makes game more dangerous than before. It extends weather and its effects. Everything is based on temperature which is calculated via many functions. It also checks where the player is. Lot of variables are configurable (damage, dealays between damages, armors, etc.).

How does it work:

Plugin can be divided into few parts.

  1. Weather - There is specific weather for every day and can be completely configured to fit your needs. RWEditor is really useful in this. Weather affects temperature in world, causes rain and storm in specific weather. (Ex: STORM, SUMMERSTORM, ...). Example of what may happen: It is BLIZZARD. Temperatures are really low and on ice mountains, as well as othere icy areas, it can be dangerous without winter clothes.
  2. Temperature - There is really complex algorithm that calculates temperature for each player on the server. Effects can be disabled via permissions. Temperature depends on: biome you are in, time (night - cold, day - warm), height from sealevel (up = cold), current weather, heat sources around player and in hand. Practically everything mentioned here can be configured. Then it decide what to do next. If it is cold it checks players equipment and decide if he has to receive damage or not. If temperature is high you start being exhausted, clothes can reduce effect as well. You can replenish stamina in water, but only in high temperature. You can also drink pure water from bottle.
  3. Thirst - It is simple, you lose your stamina faster.
  4. Jungle - I love this one. Traveling in jungle was really boring. But what if you get poisoned? Poison as "poison" is quite rare (5%). Other effects: blindness, confusion, slow, weakness. The base of this function is in tall grass around. Without it, it does nothing.

If something doesn't work: Make a ticket, this will help to fix it. Or do you want me to see the bug? PM me.

Built for Java 8

Current Update status(1.10.2 for 1.10.2):

Overall status85%
New version update80%
Testing if I broke sth60%

RWEditor - Editor for your weather.yml - HOW TO

RealWeather CraftBukkit/Spigot - Server

Module API

Version: 1.10.2

Current compatibility: 1.10.2 - Java 8

Wiki: Link. Here you can find Installation and configuration - WIP and VERY outdated



Auto error reporting

  • Can be disabled in config.yml.
  • Also you can set your name there. When I finish website app you can track your error. Errors with name will have first priority.
  • Only 1 can be send every 5 minutes, so it will not overload my web :D
  • Gathered info: Security code(from error website. it is like weak antispam), plugin version, plugins list, craftbukkit version, your name(only if set) and error. IP is NOT gatheret, so I can't tell you if you error is fixed if you don't set your name in config.

My reports

New in 1.6.4: "Modules" update...

  • Fix: Updated for new MC version (1.6.4-R0.1).
  • Add: Modules. Everything is now in modules.
  • Add: Player slow can be disabled.
  • Add: Bed heat up.
  • Add: Error reporting
  • Add: Command /rwadmin walk <name> - resets player walk speed to default.
  • Info: RealWeatherHUD will be available with MCP 1.6.4 release!
  • Info: IceBlock DELETED, really!
  • Info/Fix: UTF8 localization is working ONLY in modules, core is not supporting UTF8 yet!

Important: Localization file is reseted after version update and old one is saved in plugin's folder.

House Recognizers

simplefastest-checks only block above you, used by default in desert
defaultslowbadchecks square with you in center and side((CheckRadius*2)+1)
crossfastgoodAt first checks four directions(North etc.) in heigh of eyes then aquired rectangle with maximal side lenght((CheckRadius*2)+1)
smartslow/fastgreatuses fill algorithm

Available languages


To Do

  • Spring, Winter, ... (Seasons)
  • Improve thirst. Make it independent from hunger.
  • Improve house recognizer ("smart")

Known bugs

  • System can't recognize if you are in a house and CheckRadius reaches outside where is no roof -> It thinks that you are outside. -> Partialy fixed in "cross": Still missing system for "L"-shaped buildings. I have algorithm written on the paper so now only transport it into plugin.